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I3wm Minimalist Setup with Auto-Wallpaper

This repository contains my minimalist dotfile setup for the I3 window manager along with automatic wallpaper management using my Auto-Wallpaper script.




  • I3wm Minimalist Setup: A simple, clean, and efficient I3 window manager configuration for a smooth, distraction-free workflow.
  • Auto-Wallpaper: Automatically changes wallpapers based on your preferences using Auto-Wallpaper.
  • Custom Keybindings & Shortcuts: Preconfigured shortcuts for commonly used applications and tasks.
  • Status Bar Configuration: I3status or a custom status bar integrated with useful system info.
  • Easy Installation: Setup in a few simple steps.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate into the cloned directory:

    cd dotfiles
  3. Run the installation script:



You can customize this setup further:

  • Keybindings: Modify the ~/.config/i3/config file to add or change keybindings.
  • Status Bar: Edit the status bar settings in ~/.config/i3status/config or replace it with a different tool like polybar for additional features.
  • Wallpaper Sources: Use the Auto-Wallpaper script to add your custom wallpaper sources, or integrate with an online service for daily wallpaper updates.