Denex is the project that allows students to save their exam results and then analyze and view them.
Denex.Backend is a .NetCore Web API project that is used by mobile and web clients.
- .Net Core Web API project.
- Onion architecture based. (You can read my Onion architecture article)
- MongoDB used.
- CQS pattern implementation with Mediator library. (You can read my CQS pattern article)
- Dockerization
- CI CD pipeline with Github Action
- Unit Testing with XUnit and Moq library. (You can read my Unit Test article)
- Advanced Swagger implementation. (Extension Class)
- JWT implementation for security. (Extension Class)
- Repository pattern implementation. (GenericRepository Class)
There are 2 option (Github Repo or Docker Image) to run this project.
1. Clone this repo to your local machine using:
git clone
- Run project
dotnet run
- Or you can run it with docker-compose while in the project directory
docker-compose up
2. Run project with docker image.
docker volume create denex-data
docker network create denex-net
docker run -d -v denex-data:/data/db -p 27018:27017 --network=denex-net --name=mongodb-service mongo
docker pull mevlutgur/denex-api
docker run -d -p 3003:80 --network=denex-net --name=denex-service mevlutgur/denex-api
- And you can check if the project is working by visiting the page below.
- You should see the following output.
Denex service is running
Linkedin at Mevlüt GÜR