This project host the source code of the website.
It use Nuxt.js for server side rendering.
├── api # Retrieve content from contentful
├── assets # CSS + SVG images
├── components # All components you can see in the website
├── dist # Generated production files
├── docs # Generated documentation
├── docs-src # Documentation source files
├── layouts # The top level component
├── middleware # Ensure we load content from contentful rendering
├── mixins # Code that applies to components that use those mixins
├── node_modules # All dependencies
├── pages # The page used to render all components
├── plugins # External libraries that needs to be loaded
├── static # Static png images
└── store # The app data
You must create an .env
file with the following :
We use git-flow branching model to deliver high quality features.
You can follow the development process on Pivotal Tracker :
Content is managed using Contentful.
docker-compose build # Build the docker image
docker-compose up -d # Launch the docker image (daemon)
docker-compose logs -f # Show logs (tailing)
open http://localhost:3000
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
You have to install the gitbook CLI.
Launch the documentation locally:
cd docs-src
gitbook serve # Launch the documentation locally
Build & deploy on GitHub pages:
npm run build-doc # Build the gitbook
git add .
git commit -m '[*] Update documentation'
git push origin master
The documentation is now live here.
Deployments are automatic once you push the master
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs.
- David Miotti [email protected]
- Audrey Labuxière [email protected]