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This is an Angular pipe called ngxDynamicOrder that can sort an array of objects by a property of the object dynamically at runtime. It allows sorting by single or multiple properties, case sensitivity, and custom comparator functions.


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This is an Angular pipe called ngxDynamicOrder that can sort an array of objects by a property of the object dynamically at runtime. It allows sorting by single or multiple properties, case sensitivity, and custom comparator functions.


To install this library, run:

    npm i ngx-dynamic-order


  1. Import the NgxDynamicOrder class from the pipe file:

    import { NgxDynamicOrder } from './ngx-dynamic-order.pipe';
  2. Add the NgxDynamicOrder to the declarations array of the module in which you want to use the pipe:

        declarations: [NgxDynamicOrder],
        // ...
    export class AppModule { }
  3. Use the ngxDynamicOrder pipe in your component's template:

        <li *ngFor="let item of items | ngxDynamicOrder: expression: reverse: isCaseInsensitive: comparator">{{}}</li>


  • expression: string | string[]: The property or properties of the objects to sort by. It can be a single string, or an array of strings if sorting by multiple properties. You can use dot notation to access nested properties of objects.
  • reverse?: boolean: Set to true to sort the array in reverse order. Defaults to false.
  • isCaseInsensitive?: boolean: Set to true to sort the array ignoring the case of strings. Defaults to false.
  • comparator?: Function: A custom comparator function to use for sorting. It takes two arguments and should return a number less than 0, 0, or a number greater than 0 depending on the desired sort order.


The NgxDynamicOrder class also provides several utility methods that can be used independently of the pipe:

  • isString(value: any): boolean: Returns true if the value is a string, false otherwise.
  • caseInsensitiveSort(a: any, b: any): Compares two values case-insensitively.
  • defaultCompare(a: any, b: any): The default comparison function used for sorting. It handles null, undefined, and Date objects correctly.
  • parseExpression(expression: string): string[]: Parses a string expression into an array of property names.
  • getValue(object: any, expression: string[]): any: Retrieves a value from an object using a property expression.
  • setValue(object: any, value: any, expression: string[]): Sets a value on an object using a property expression.


const items = [
    { name: 'John', age: 30, country: { code: 'us', name: 'United States' } },
    { name: 'Alice', age: 25, country: { code: 'ca', name: 'Canada' } },
    { name: 'Bob', age: 35, country: { code: 'gb', name: 'United Kingdom' } }

const pipe = new NgxDynamicOrder();

// Sort by name
const sortedByName = pipe.transform(items, 'name');

// Sort by country code, then by age
const sortedByCountryAndAge = pipe.transform(items, ['country.code', 'age']);

// Sort by name in reverse order
const sortedByNameReversed = pipe.transform(items, 'name', true);

// Sort ignoring case
const sortedByNameIgnoreCase = pipe.transform(items, 'name', false, true);


This is an Angular pipe called ngxDynamicOrder that can sort an array of objects by a property of the object dynamically at runtime. It allows sorting by single or multiple properties, case sensitivity, and custom comparator functions.




