Enhanced Graph Plotting And General GUI Improvements In Prism.
- Support for error bars [see commit 1][see commit 2]
- Support for deviation error plots [see commit]
- Support for histograms [see commit 1][see commit 2]
- Designed a dialog box for selecting histogram properties [see commit 1][see commit 2][see commit 3][see commit 4]
- Dynamic updating of the graphs while a longer experiment runs [see commit]
- Support for parametric operations from the GUI [see commit 1][see commit 2]
- Ability to change the sampling of the parametric function dynamically [see commit]
- Support for exporting the plots in a gnuplot readable format including for the histograms [see commit]
- Support for exporting the plots from the command line using the -exportplot switch [see commit 1] [see commit 2]
- Additional options to modify the properties of various plots that can be exported from the command line and support for auto format detection [see commit 1] [see commit 2] [see commit 3]
- Added support for mixed plots (xy graphs and parametric graphs) to be plotted on the same plot
- Added support for exporting 2D graphs as pdf [see commit]
- Added support for 3d charts using the orson chart library [see commit 1][see commit 2] [see commit 3][see commit 4]
- 3d plot exports to many formats including jpeg, png, pdf and gnuplot [see commit 1][see commit 2]
- Support for plotting experiment results as 3D scatter plots [see commit]
- Support for plotting experiment results as 3D surface plots using bi-linear interpolation [see commit 1][see commit 2][see commit 3]
- 3D plots can now be exported as matlab readable files [see commit]
- Close button is now available on the chart tabs [see commit]
- Support for displaying plotted 3D data in a table [see commit]
- Support for stand alone function plotting (2D & 3D) [see commit 1][see commit 2]
- Fixed the stop experiment button for the simulation method
- Added mouse scroll tab change feature in the graph panel
- Added new options to alter the error rendering mechanism dynamically (error bars and deviation plots)
- Redesigned some dialog boxes to add some new features
- Added 'verify and plot' menu item in the properties list
- Exporting 3D charts from the command line for e.g, in gnuplot and matlab format
- Making Prism graph xml based export format compatible with parametric plots, error plots and 3D charts
- Adding Range marker plots as an additional plot for viewing the results of 3D plots (supported by Orson charts)
- Adding inspection mode for 2d charts for showing more information about each vertex easily