21c9309 -amUpdate docs
e0b299d Add LICENSE.txt in archives
96b09cf Add README.md in archive
108f69f Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/muquit/mailsend-go
7264dbc add README.md in docs for deb and rpm
072e730 add contrinute.md
ad25039 add manpage and docs for deb and rpm
68378bd add replacements for amd64 and linux in yaml file
7e0901f add tagit.rb to force tag
18ec03a add wrap_in_directory in .goreleaser.yml so that archies will have maisend-go-dir as base directory
05ec3bd add yaml file gorelase
c529c07 body command parsing was not correct
5a1670a first commit
f2727e0 fix typos in usage
adbf4da fix unset command
80e5856 generate docs
e4b3ca7 goos for windows was wrong
5f1c2a2 goos for windows was wrong
02ce182 syntax for files were wrong in yaml file
7df6b2a syntax was wrong for fiels in yaml file
fe8517f syntax was wrong in releaser file
6e45006 syntax was wrong in releaser file
1cc1af7 syntax was wrong in releaser file
bf08e7a udpate .gorleleaser.yml for brew
91825fc update amd64 replacement for rpm and deb packages
095f694 update compiling instruction about go modules
2b26904 update docs
9c7c5ac update introduction
83d0d2e update yaml file for gorelease
5d3d58d updated downloading documentation