This is a simple Navigation Module for the Bonfire ( application.
- Drop the module into the bonfire/modules folder
- Run the module Install migration
- Add the permissions to the required roles
- Add the helper call to the theme
- That's it
- Navigation Groups
- Simple Helper to call from the theme template
- Drag-drop Nav item order
- Editable in the Content context inside Bonfire
- Added setting to wrap list items in a span for for css styling
- Added setting to change the name of the current active class, defaults to current
The navigation_helper is very simple to use.
$attributes['id'] = 'nav';
$attributes['class'] = 'dropdown dropdown-horizontal';
$attributes['active'] = 'active';
$attributes['wrap'] = true;
echo show_navigation('header', TRUE, $attributes);
In this case "header" is the Navigation group defined in the Bonfire admin. "TRUE" tells the helper to display child navigation items. "$attributes" is an array applied to the main div
More documentation can be found here