This is a sample service that accepts data over a REST API and persists/retrieves it using MongoDB.
The nodejs service runs by default on port 80. To overwrite for local usage, set the env var
- MONGO_DB_CONNECTION_STRING - A valid mongodb URI pointing at a running MongoDB instance. Example: mongodb://
- [OPTIONAL] PORT - A valid port number to run the service on. Defaults to 80.
Requires the following: Node 10+, MongoDB 4.x
from src dir (where package.json exists), Run the following:
npm run build
export MONGO_DB_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://SOME_MONGO:27017/sample
export PORT=8123
npm start
From the root dir (where the Dockerfile exists), Run the following:
docker build -t persistence-sample .
docker run -it -p 8080:80 -e MONGO_DB_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://SOME_MONGO:27017/sample persistence-sample
Please refer to the postman collection in the docs folder for quick start.
[GET] / -> Health Check
[GET] /api/v1/data -> Get the currently persisted data
[POST] /api/v1/data -> Persist data. The content-type header must be set to "application/json". The request body, if a valid JSON object will be persisted.