Ability to restore wiki pages from the trash: https://community.exoplatform.com/portal/content/addon-detail/wiki-page-restore
1- git clone https://github.com/smartytwiti/eXo-Wiki-page-restore.git
2- mvn clean install
3- Deploy the JAR to your server's /lib folder
When you deleted a wiki page it will be sent to the wiki Trash, it's hidden by default, to show it you need to go under the Site Explorer/Collaboration drive then in the right click on setup your browsing preferences, a popup will be shown, click on Advanced and make sure that the Show Hidden Nodes and Show Non-document Nodes checkboxes are checked, save the changes.
You can now access to /exo:applications/eXoWiki/wikis/intranet/Trash, you'll find all the deleted files there. To restore a page you can simply use the contextual menu : right click then restore the wiki page.
A message will inform you about the operation result:
When another page with the same name already in the wiki. You can't restore that page until you rename or delete the duplicated page:
The current version contain only English language, to add your own translation you need to create a .properties file under the restore-page-uiextension/src/main/resources/locale/org/exoplatform/restorewikipage folder. In order to get it recognized, the properties file needs to follow specific naming convention: RestoreWikiPage_XX.properties, where the XX is the language code.