Names: Miles Todzo, Belanie Nagiel, Kelley Scroggs
Date Started: 1/29/18
Date Ended: 2/11/18
Cumulative Hours Worked: 120
- Simulation class
- SegOccupant, LifeOccupant, SugarOccupant, and AntOccupant subclasses
- Grid superclass and subclasses
- Setup class
- DisplayGrid class
- PopulationGraph class
- XMLCreation class
- Buttons superclass, PauseButton, StartButton, and StopButton subclasses
- some work on creating XML files by hand
- CellOccupant superclass, FireOccupant, LangtonOccupant, RPSOcccupant, WatorOccupant subclasses
- Work on grids such as specific neighbors
- LoadGridException class
- Exceptions and Error handling Put your source code, resources, and property files here.
- UI Controls
- Reading XML Files
- Reading .properties Files
- BorderPane
- VBox
- GridPane
- FileChooser
- Creating XML Files
- Opening Multiple Windows
- Array of Lists
- LinceChart
- Creating Hexagons
- Using Polygon
- Langton Loops
- More Langton Loops
- Ant Foraging
- SugarScape
The following table matches simulation to their input files:
The following table lays out the sample buggy input files we created:
Other errors we handle without crashing:
- any type of invalid input from user while creating either random or probability specific XML files for simulations
- Some simulation specific parameters (probability of a state catching fire when neighbor is on fire) are stated in the CellOccupant subclass for the simulation type. In order for the user to change them, the variable must be changed in these classes, but this only needs to be done once.
- When a user opens up a new simulation in a new window, the two simulations will be running separately and they do not need to be the same type of simulation or the same simulation.
- A user can specify whether they want hexagonal or square cells in the XML file.
- The Hexagon display will occasionally be off because of some difficulty coordinating the size of the hexagons and how far they are away from each other. Having odd and even numbers of hexagons in the rows and columns caused part of this difficulty.
We really like working on this project and had a great time!