Docs for the kabanero-io site. These docs are dynamically pulled in during the Kabanero-website build process.
Create an a AsciiDoc file that contains the documentation in a presentable format. For help on syntax you can view this AsciiDoc syntax reference sheet
For AsciiDoc editors there are a few options you can use, such as, your browser, an IDE, and more. See Editing AsciiDoc with Live Preview
To add an image to your AsciiDoc put the image in the img directory. You can reference this image in your AsciiDoc by using the path to the img directory. For example, if you added my_image.png
to the img directory you can use that image with the following AsciiDoc syntax: image::/docs/img/my_image.png[My image alt text]
. The image will not show for the GitHub preview, but it will be linked on the website when its deployed.
In this repository you shoud place the doc under the folder that best describes the documentation category. These folders located in the ref directory
If no folder / category exists for your documentation feel free to create a properly named folder in the ref directory and place your asciidoc file in there.
If the documentation doesn't really fit in its own category you can place the doc in the general directory