This is a pretty silly, albeit fun project idea to build a lamp I could control via a website. And then perhaps, randomly, give access to it to everyone in the internet.
This has a few components:
- the Lamp code, which is an Arduino based project in
- the web-app code, which is a Python FastAPI based project, along with an AWS deployment manifests
- For development, best use the
- For development, best use the
- the UI which is using Vue.js and Nuxt
- the deployment to AWS using Terraform
This section describes what I plan to work on in the near future.
- Actual Login functionality, e.g. with Ory
- Hook up email, e.g. from SES to Ory for account management
- Backend to receive "user created" event
- User profile page
- Support User avatar as Gravatar
- Support User avatar
- UX workflow - what happens after the user signs up
- Welcome to TwinkleTaps
- No tap-receiving devices yet! Click "here" to add one
- Logic for sending an invite code for someone to be able to tap on your device
- Backend for CRUD on tap-receiving devices
- Backend for link between user and tap-receiving devices
- API key based auth for machine connections for tap-receiving devices
- Backend for CRUD on taps
- Very basic queue mechanism for sending taps out
- UI for displaying taps on charts, e.g.
- UI for displaying current recorded tap
- history UI for showing past taps
tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
to see user-data scripts logs on the EC2 instanceterraform apply -replace=aws_instance.one_lamp_instace
to force instance to be recreated