Hide your current workspaces and show the desktop in i3wm.
- Clone the repository into your i3 configuration folder
mkdir -p ~/.config/i3/test
cd ~/.config/i3/test
git clone https://github.com/mstpn/i3_show_desktop.git
- Modify your i3 config file
nano ~/.config/i3/config
Append the following lines
#Show/hide desktop ($mod + Shift + d)
bindsym $mod+Shift+d exec python ~/.config/i3/i3_show_desktop/bg.py
Reload the i3 config with the keybinding $mod + Shift + r
or via the shell with
i3-msg reload
The keybinding to toggle the desktop is $mod + Shift + d
This has only been tested on Arch Linux 5.17.5-arch1-1 using Python 3.10.4.
i3_show_desktop is released under the MIT License.