A Discord Bot designed to simplify administration for large servers.
If an error occurs check these installs:
You will need pip installed as well prior to installing these packages see https://realpython.com/what-is-pip/ for more information on pip.
pip install python-dotenv
pip install discord.py
pip install feedparser
pip install pandas
pip install python-dateutil
pip install paramiko
The "None type / strip" error is a result of not having the .env file in your build path. This is less of an error, and more of just a missing file situation if you are not dealing with news postings.
Clone the repository to a local directory (or server if hosting).
Ensure the dependencies above are installed.
Fololow the guide at https://www.writebots.com/discord-bot-token/ to create a discord bot token and add your bot to your server.
Start the bot by executing
python mildredboy.py
- To change your nickname on the server, type “!change”
- You will receive a direct message (DM), from the Bot with prompts asking for a Name (Character limit 12), followed by a Faculty (Character limit 12), and the Year you are in (Character limit 5). *** Press enter after typing in your answer for each question ***
- The Bot will then prompt you asking if the name change is correct [yes / no].
- If ‘yes’, then the Discord Bot will have created a new nickname. To see it, go to the Discord server and check out your new nickname.
- To create a voice channel, users type into the chat box “!event_voice ” (For ex. “!event_voice study”). This will create a voice channel in the user’s server immediately and can be accessed by clicking on the name.
- To create a text channel, the server user types into the command box “!event_text ” (For ex. “!event_text message”) This will create a text channel in the user’s server immediately and can be accessed by clicking on the name.
- To delete a channel, user types into the command box “!delete_event ” (For ex. !delete_event study), which will remove the channel from the server and the user's account.
- To view created events, the user types into the command box “!display_events”, which shows each event name, creator, and start time in the channel the command was entered in.
- Log into Discord and click on the server that has Mildred Bot.
- Newsfeed content is handled by the administrators, by providing sources into the csv file currently required to run this system.
- Click on the text channel called ‘newsfeed’ and read the news headline. If further interested, then click on the link provided to see the full news story.