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Using the feed library for generating the RSS feed #18

merged 8 commits into from
Oct 17, 2023
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions .github/workflows/generate-website.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ jobs:

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
DEPLOY: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }}
##### Setup ##############################################
- name: Checkout repository
Expand All @@ -29,9 +27,9 @@ jobs:

- name: Install cabal and GHC
if: github.event_name != 'schedule' && steps.changes.outputs.haskell-changed == 'true'
uses: haskell/actions/setup@v2
uses: haskell-actions/setup@v2
ghc-version: 'latest'
ghc-version: '9.6'
cabal-version: 'latest'

- name: Cache cabal and executables
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,7 +60,7 @@ jobs:
##### Deployment #########################################

- name: Deploy to branch
if: ${{ env.DEPLOY }}
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
uses: s0/git-publish-subdir-action@develop
REPO: self
Expand All @@ -71,7 +69,7 @@ jobs:

- name: Trigger pull at website
if: ${{ env.DEPLOY }}
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
shell: bash
Expand Down
34 changes: 25 additions & 9 deletions MSPweb.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,17 +8,33 @@ build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >= 1.10

executable Generate
main-is: Generate.hs
build-depends: base, filepath, directory, pandoc >= 2.0, text
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: Generate.hs
build-depends: base,
pandoc >= 2.0,
default-language: Haskell2010

executable Generate101
main-is: Generate101.hs
other-modules: OneOhOne
build-depends: base, time, regex-pcre-builtin, array, aeson, bytestring
default-language: Haskell2010
main-is: Generate101.hs
other-modules: OneOhOne
build-depends: base,
default-language: Haskell2010

executable GeneratePeople
main-is: GeneratePeople.hs
build-depends: base, yaml, bytestring
main-is: GeneratePeople.hs
build-depends: base,
default-language: Haskell2010
150 changes: 88 additions & 62 deletions OneOhOne.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, TupleSections #-}
module OneOhOne where

import Data.Time
import System.Directory

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Arrow
Expand All @@ -15,6 +17,19 @@ import Text.Regex.PCRE
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Aeson

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Data.XML.Types
import Text.Feed.Types
import Text.RSS.Syntax
import Text.RSS.Export
import Text.Feed.Import
import Text.Feed.Query

-- constants
usualTime :: TimeOfDay
usualTime = TimeOfDay 14 0 0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +99,8 @@ subRegex regexp inp repl =
compiled :: MatchText String -> String -> String
compiled = compile 0 repl findrefs where
-- bre matches a backslash then capture either a backslash or some digits
bre = makeRegex "\\\\(\\\\|[0-9]+)" :: Regex
bre :: Regex
bre = makeRegex ("\\\\(\\\\|[0-9]+)" :: String)
findrefs = map (\m -> (fst (m!1),snd (m!0))) (matchAllText bre repl)
go _i str [] = str
go i str (m:ms) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,57 +247,66 @@ generateRSS :: [(Int,Talk)]
-> FilePath -- ^ Output path
-> IO ()
generateRSS ts out = do
let content = concatMap processEntry ts
header = unlines ["<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>",
"<rss version='2.0' xmlns:atom=''>",
" <channel>",
" <atom:link href='' rel='self' type='application/rss+xml' />",
" <title>MSP101 Seminar</title>",
" <link></link>",
" <description>MSP101 is an ongoing series of informal talks by visiting academics or members of the MSP group.</description>",
" <language>en-gb</language>"]
footer = unlines [" </channel>", "</rss>"]
writeFile out (header ++ content ++ footer)
where processEntry (i,(Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material))
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ ": " ++ speaker ++ bracket inst
abstr = if (null abstract) then "" else "<p><b>Abstract</b><br/><br/>" ++ (nl2br abstract) ++ "</p>"
desc = unlines ["<h2>" ++ (createLink speakerurl speaker) ++ (bracket (createLink insturl inst)) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ location ++ "</b><br/>"]
unlines [" <item>",
" <title>" ++ rsstitle ++ "</title>",
" <description><![CDATA[" ++ desc ++ "]]></description>",
" <guid isPermaLink='true'>" ++ (show i) ++ "</guid>",
" </item>"]
processEntry (i,(DepartmentalSeminar date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location))
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ " Departmental seminar " ++ ": " ++ speaker ++ bracket inst
abstr = if (null abstract) then "" else "<p><b>Abstract</b><br/><br/>" ++ (nl2br abstract) ++ "</p>"
desc = unlines ["<h2>" ++ (createLink speakerurl speaker) ++ (bracket (createLink insturl inst)) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ location ++ "</b><br/>"]
unlines [" <item>",
" <title>" ++ rsstitle ++ "</title>",
" <description><![CDATA[" ++ desc ++ "]]></description>",
" <guid isPermaLink='true'>" ++ (show i) ++ "</guid>",
" </item>"]
processEntry (i,(SpecialEvent date title url location locationurl description))
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ ": " ++ title
abstr = if (null description) then "" else "<p>" ++ (nl2br description) ++ "</p>"
desc = unlines ["<h2>" ++ (createLink url title) ++ (bracket location) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ (createLink locationurl location) ++ "</b><br/>"]
unlines [" <item>",
" <title>" ++ rsstitle ++ "</title>",
" <description><![CDATA[" ++ desc ++ "]]></description>",
" <guid isPermaLink='true'>" ++ (show i) ++ "</guid>",
" </item>"]
processEntry (i,(BasicTalk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material)) = processEntry (i, (Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl ("MSP 101: " ++ title) abstract location material)) -- for now
oldItemsMap <- doesFileExist out >>= \case
True -> parseFeedFromFile out >>= \case
Just f -> let is = getFeedItems f
in pure $ Map.fromList $ concatMap (\ x -> maybeToList ((,x) . snd <$> getItemId x)) is
_ -> pure Map.empty
_ -> pure Map.empty
now <- T.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %_d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" <$> getZonedTime
let channel = (nullChannel "MSP101 Seminar" "")
{ rssDescription = "MSP101 is an ongoing series of informal talks by visiting academics or members of the MSP group."
, rssLanguage = Just "en-gb"
, rssLastUpdate = Just now
, rssChannelOther = [Element "atom:link" [("href", [""]), ("rel", ["self"]), ("type", ["application/rss+xml"])] []]
, rssItems = map (processEntry now oldItemsMap) ts
let feed = (nullRSS "MSP101 Seminar" "")
{ rssAttrs = [("xmlns:atom",[""])]
, rssChannel = channel }
case textRSS feed of
Just t -> writeFile out (LT.unpack t)
Nothing -> putStrLn "Error: Could not generate RSS feed!"
gatherData :: Talk -> (String, String)
gatherData (Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material)
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ ": " ++ speaker ++ bracket inst
abstr = if (null abstract) then "" else "<p><b>Abstract</b><br/><br/>" ++ (nl2br abstract) ++ "</p>"
desc = concat ["<h2>" ++ (createLink speakerurl speaker) ++ (bracket (createLink insturl inst)) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<p><b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ location ++ "</b><br/></p>"]
in (rsstitle, desc)
gatherData (DepartmentalSeminar date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location)
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ " Departmental seminar: " ++ speaker ++ bracket inst
abstr = if (null abstract) then "" else "<p><b>Abstract</b><br/><br/>" ++ (nl2br abstract) ++ "</p>"
desc = concat ["<h2>" ++ (createLink speakerurl speaker) ++ (bracket (createLink insturl inst)) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<p><b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ location ++ "</b><br/>"]
in (rsstitle, desc)
gatherData (SpecialEvent date title url location locationurl description)
= let rsstitle = (showGregorian $ utctDay date) ++ ": " ++ title
abstr = if (null description) then "" else "<p>" ++ (nl2br description) ++ "</p>"
desc = concat ["<h2>" ++ (createLink url title) ++ (bracket location) ++ "</h2>",
"<h2>" ++ title ++ "</h2>",
"<p><b>" ++ (show date) ++ "<br/>" ++ (createLink locationurl location) ++ "</b><br/></p>"]
in (rsstitle, desc)
gatherData (BasicTalk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material)
= gatherData (Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl ("MSP 101: " ++ title) abstract location material) -- for now

processEntry :: T.Text -> Map T.Text Item -> (Int, Talk) -> RSSItem
processEntry now is (i,x) =
let (rsstitle, desc) = gatherData x
guid = T.pack ("" ++ (show i))
itemBarTime = (nullItem (T.pack rsstitle)) { rssItemDescription = Just (T.pack desc), rssItemGuid = Just (nullPermaGuid guid) }
time = case Map.lookup guid is of
Just i@(Text.Feed.Types.RSSItem ri) | Just oldTime <-getItemPublishDateString i -> if equalRSSItems ri itemBarTime then oldTime else now
_ -> now
in itemBarTime { rssItemPubDate = Just time }
equalRSSItems :: RSSItem -> RSSItem -> Bool
equalRSSItems a b = rssItemTitle a == rssItemTitle b && rssItemDescription a == rssItemDescription b

generateICS :: [(Int,Talk)]
Expand All @@ -295,18 +320,18 @@ generateICS ts out = do
"X-WR-CALDESC: MSP101 seminar series"]
footer = unlines ["END:VCALENDAR"]
writeFile out (header ++ content ++ footer)
where gatherData (Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material)
where gatherData :: Talk -> (String, UTCTime, String, String, String)
gatherData (Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material)
= let desc = unlines ["Speaker: " ++ speaker ++ " " ++ (bracket inst), "Title: " ++ title ++ "\n", abstract]
end = addUTCTime (60*60::NominalDiffTime) date
in (desc, end, date, location, title, "")
in (desc, date, location, title, "")
gatherData (DepartmentalSeminar date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location)
= let desc = unlines ["Speaker: " ++ speaker ++ " " ++ (bracket inst), "Title: " ++ title ++ "\n", abstract]
end = addUTCTime (60*60::NominalDiffTime) date
in (desc, end, date, location, title, "Departmental seminar: ")
in (desc, date, location, title, "Departmental seminar: ")
gatherData (SpecialEvent date title url location locationurl description)
= let end = addUTCTime (60*60::NominalDiffTime) date
in (description, end, date, location, title, "Event: ")
gatherData (BasicTalk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material) = gatherData (Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl ("MSP 101: " ++ title) abstract location material) -- for now
= (description, date, location, title, "Event: ")
gatherData (BasicTalk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl title abstract location material)
= gatherData (Talk date speaker inst speakerurl insturl ("MSP 101: " ++ title) abstract location material) -- for now

escape :: String -> String
escape [] = []
escape ('\\':xs) = "\\\\" ++ (escape xs)
Expand All @@ -315,7 +340,8 @@ generateICS ts out = do
escape (',':' ':xs) = "\\, " ++ (escape xs)
escape (x:xs) = x:(escape xs)
processEntry now (i,x)
= let (desc, end, date, location, title, kindEvent) = gatherData x
= let (desc, date, location, title, kindEvent) = gatherData x
end = addUTCTime (60*60::NominalDiffTime) date
t = escape . html2text
unlines ["BEGIN:VEVENT",
Expand Down