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PHP Load test

  • Nginx Unit
  • React PHP
  • Road-runner


  • PHP 7.2
  • Symfony 4



cd docker/php-fpm && docker-compose up


cd docker/php-ppm && docker-compose up

Nginx Unit

cd docker/nginx-unit && docker-compose up

React PHP

cd docker/react-php && docker-compose up --scale php=2

Road Runner

cd docker/road-runner && docker-compose up


curl '' | python -m json.tool
    "env": "prod",
    "type": "php-fpm",
    "pid": 8,
    "random_num": 37264,
    "php": {
        "version": "7.2.12",
        "date.timezone": "Europe/Paris",
        "display_errors": "",
        "error_log": "/proc/self/fd/2",
        "error_reporting": "32767",
        "log_errors": "1",
        "memory_limit": "256M",
        "opcache.enable": "1",
        "opcache.max_accelerated_files": "20000",
        "opcache.memory_consumption": "256",
        "opcache.validate_timestamps": "0",
        "realpath_cache_size": "4096K",
        "realpath_cache_ttl": "600",
        "short_open_tag": ""


  • copy tests/load.yaml from tests/load.yaml.example and replace $SERVER and $PORT variables in tests/load.yaml

  • copy tests/monitoring.xml from tests/monitoring.xml.example and replace $SERVER and $USERNAME variables in tests/monitoring.xml

  • get token from and put it to file tests/overload_token.txt

  • put ssh public key to target server

  • run yandex-tank:

cd tests && docker run -v $(pwd):/var/loadtest -v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh --net host -it direvius/yandex-tank

100 rps

        load_type: rps
        schedule: line(1, 100, 60s) const(100, 540s)

Overload links

Cumulative quantiles (ms)

95%(ms) 90%(ms) 80%(ms) 50%(ms) HTTP OK(%) HTTP OK(count)
php-fpm 9.9 6.3 4.35 3.59 100 57030
php-ppm 9.4 6 3.88 3.16 100 57030
nginx-unit 11 6.6 4.43 3.69 100 57030
road-runner 8.1 5.1 3.53 2.92 100 57030
road-runner-reboot 12 8.6 5.3 3.85 100 57030
react-php 8.5 4.91 3.29 2.74 100 57030
react-php-reboot 13 8.5 5.5 3.95 100 57030


cpu median(%) cpu max(%) memory median(MB) memory max(MB)
php-fpm 9.15 12.58 880.32 907.97
php-ppm 7.08 13.68 901.72 913.80
nginx-unit 9.56 12.54 923.02 943.90
road-runner 5.57 8.61 992.71 1,001.46
road-runner-reboot 9.18 12.67 848.43 870.26
react-php 4.53 6.58 1,004.68 1,009.91
react-php-reboot 9.61 12.67 885.92 892.52

500 rps

        load_type: rps
        schedule: line(1, 500, 60s) const(500, 540s)

Overload links

Cumulative quantiles (ms)

95%(ms) 90%(ms) 80%(ms) 50%(ms) HTTP OK(%) HTTP OK(count)
php-fpm 13 8.4 5.3 3.69 100 285030
php-ppm 15 9 4.72 3.24 100 285030
nginx-unit 12 8 5.5 3.93 100 285030
road-runner 9.6 6 3.71 2.83 100 285030
road-runner-reboot 14 11 7.1 4.45 100 285030
react-php 9.3 5.8 3.57 2.68 100 285030
react-php-reboot 15 12 7.2 4.21 100 285030


cpu median(%) cpu max(%) memory median(MB) memory max(MB)
php-fpm 41.68 48.33 1,006.06 1,015.09
php-ppm 33.90 48.90 1,046.32 1,055.00
nginx-unit 42.13 47.92 1,006.67 1,015.73
road-runner 24.08 28.06 1,035.86 1,044.58
road-runner-reboot 46.23 52.04 939.63 948.08
react-php 19.57 23.42 1,049.83 1,060.26
react-php-reboot 41.30 47.89 957.01 958.56

1000 rps

        load_type: rps
        schedule: line(1, 1000, 60s) const(1000, 60s)

Overload links

Cumulative quantiles (ms)

95%(ms) 90%(ms) 80%(ms) 50%(ms) HTTP OK(%) HTTP OK(count)
php-fpm 11050 11050 9040 195 80.67 72627
php-fpm-80 3150 1375 1165 152 99.85 89895
php-ppm 2785 2740 2685 2545 100 90030
nginx-unit 98 80 60 21 100 90030
road-runner 27 15 7.1 3.21 100 90030
road-runner-reboot 1110 1100 1085 1060 100 90030
react-php 23 13 5.6 2.86 100 90030
react-php-reboot 28 24 19 11 100 90030


cpu median(%) cpu max(%) memory median(MB) memory max(MB)
php-fpm 12.66 78.25 990.16 1,006.56
php-fpm-80 83.78 91.28 746.01 937.24
php-ppm 66.16 91.20 1,088.74 1,102.92
nginx-unit 78.11 88.77 1,010.15 1,062.01
road-runner 42.93 54.23 1,010.89 1,068.48
road-runner-reboot 77.64 85.66 976.44 1,044.05
react-php 36.39 46.31 1,018.03 1,088.23
react-php-reboot 72.11 81.81 911.28 961.62

10000 rps

        load_type: rps
        schedule: line(1, 10000, 30s) const(10000, 30s)

Overload links

Cumulative quantiles (ms)

95%(ms) 90%(ms) 80%(ms) 50%(ms) HTTP OK(%) HTTP OK(count)
php-fpm 11050 11050 11050 1880 70.466 317107
php-fpm-80 3260 3140 1360 1145 99.619 448301
php-ppm 2755 2730 2695 2605 100 450015
nginx-unit 1020 1010 1000 980 100 450015
road-runner 640 630 615 580 100 450015
road-runner-reboot 1130 1120 1110 1085 100 450015
react-php 1890 1090 1045 58 99.996 449996
react-php-reboot 3480 3070 1255 91 99.72 448753


cpu median(%) cpu max(%) memory median(MB) memory max(MB)
php-fpm 5.57 79.35 984.47 998.78
php-fpm-80 85.05 92.19 936.64 943.93
php-ppm 66.86 82.41 1,089.31 1,097.41
nginx-unit 86.14 93.94 1,067.71 1,069.52
road-runner 73.41 82.72 1,129.48 1,134.00
road-runner-reboot 80.32 86.29 982.69 984.80
react-php 73.76 82.18 1,101.71 1,105.06
react-php-reboot 85.77 91.92 975.85 978.42


Test log directories


Generate charts

php tests/charts/generate.php /path/to/test_logs /path/to/output/file.html
Input dir: /path/to/test_logs
Output file: tank_100.html
Handling /path/to/test_logs/nginx-unit/monitoring.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/nginx-unit/phout_DIv_wS.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/php-fpm/monitoring.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/php-fpm/phout_j5yRj3.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/php-ppm/monitoring.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/php-ppm/phout_aEAoEM.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/react-php/monitoring.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/react-php/phout_u50Gwi.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/road-runner/monitoring.log...
Handling /path/to/test_logs/road-runner/phout_RSKT30.log...