This package collects a handful amount of methods, classes, interfaces, hooks and more that can and should be reused across any Mr.Milú project.
Install NVM and use the node version specified in .nvmrc
file with the following command:
nvm use
corepack-enable # enable yarn 3.*
Add yalc globally to your computer if you don't already have it
npm i yalc -g
Install dependencies
Build packages with any of this two alternatives:
- Builds packages
yarn build
- Build packages, watch for changes and automatically pushes to yalc repo
yarn watch
If you want to test a package in your project, the best way is to develop under watch
script because it automatically pushes to yalc local repository.
So to stay in sync with the feature you are developing in your project you must
link to yalc repo even if you have already added the real package to your package.json
"dependencies": {
"@front_web_mrmilu/services": "2.0.0"
This is not necessary to develop but if you already have it installed it won't interfere
To link your package to your project with yalc run the following command
yalc link "@front_web_mrmilu/services" # here put the name of your package of choice
Now your node_modules
package it's linked to your local yalc repository.
Create a folder inside packages
, with the package name (without the prefix @front_web_mrimilu) and with it's corresponding src
folder and index.ts
entrypoint. It should look like this: packages/my_new_package/src/index.ts
Inside the package folder run yarn init
, answer the questions (owner should be always Mr.Milú and version
MUST MATCH current packages versions. For example if all packages are in version 1.0.0
you should answer 1.0.0
to yarn questions).
Once finished run the following command yarn preconstruct init
, this will modify
the package.json
file created by yarn with the corresponding ES Modules and CommonJS entrypoint.
Then add to the package.json
the following property: "sideEffects: false"
. By adding this we are telling bundlers that code splitting
can be used between package parts, so avoid side effects at
all cost between them (more info here).
Also, you will need to add the following script and peerDependency
. The script it would be used by yarn watch
to push changes to yalc on change and babel-runtime it will be used by babel-regenerator to add babel helpers
to your package on runtime:
"scripts": {
"yalc-push": "yalc push --private"
"peerDependencies": {
"react": "18.x",
"@babel/runtime": "7.x"
Then create a file named typedoc.json
. This file weill be used by TypeDoc to automatically generate markdown
documentation based on exported methods, classes and interfaces. Inside this file put the following:
"entryPoints": ["src/index.ts"],
"out": "../../api-docs/docs/Packages/{Package name with capital case. For example: Network}",
"readme": "none",
"plugin": "typedoc-plugin-markdown",
"entryDocument": "{Package name with capital case. For example: Network}.md",
"excludeExternals": true
Finally, publish the new package to yalc
. To accomplish this go to the package dir and run
the following command
yalc publish
Now you can develop your package by exporting the desired methods, classes, etc. in the index.ts
Final example of a package.json
"name": "@front_web_mrmilu/{packageName}}",
"version": "1.1.0",
"main": "dist/front_web_mrmilu-{packageName}.cjs.js",
"module": "dist/front_web_mrmilu-{packageName}.esm.js",
"author": "Mr.Milú",
"license": "MIT",
"sideEffects": false,
"scripts": {
"yalc-push": "yalc push --private"
"peerDependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "7.x"
This project uses conventional commits with the package commitlint and extends its usage. Each time you make a commit it's obligatory to add a scope to your commit. This way when we make a release the automatically generated changelog will show in which package changes have been made. The accepted scopes are: root (when changes at root level are made) and any package name (dir name) without the prefix @front_web_mrmilu.
This process should not be executed locally because it's done automatically through a GitHub action when merging to master branch or pushing to it. It is in the README just for documentary purpose. If you want to push to master (which you shouldn't) without triggering GitHub actions run the command
yarn skip-ci
and then push. This will create an empty commit with the corresponding message telling GitHub to skip action workflows in that commit push.
Once you have finished your changes and done the commits correctly you have to bump package versions and update changelog. This is done automatically by running the following command:
yarn release
Once standard version updates packages versions and changelog you are able to both push tags and publish packages. To achieve this, do the following:
git push --follow-tags origin master
yarn gitpkg-publish
Packages in this repo are published as git tags, so the repository works also as a package repository. In future versions this could be migrated to a private npm repository.