Very simple Gradle project to demonstrate issue when importing in IDEA and not using "delegate IDE build/run actions toGradle" See
Steps to reproduce (using IDEA v 2019.1 )
- checkout the project
- import project in IDEA
- use "Import" tool and select project directory
- in "Import Project from Gradle" wizard: select options -- Use auto-import -- Use default Gradle wrapper
- In project settings, check/configure options:
- Enable "annotation processing" (Build,Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors)
- Disable "Delegate IDE build/actions to Gradle" (Build,Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle > Runner )
Check in "Project structure > Project settings > Modules" configuration screen: => IDEA has already added by default source folder "build/generated/annotationProcessor/java/main" ( marked RED as this folder does not exist yet)
Launch gradle task "build" from Gradle tool window in IDEA => this will mark "build/generated/annotationProcessor/java/main" directory as a (generated) source directory
Build project from IDEA ( menu "Build > Rebuild project")
==> error occurs .. either "duplicate class" in compiliation phase, or sometimes "Internal erro in the mapping processor: .. Attemp to recreate a file for type org.mri.EntityMapperImpl"