This is Sustyle, the website focused on the latest sustainability articles. Articles are separated into four main categories. This web page allows the registration of new users and authenticates them, users can create articles and assign them a category, they can also vote for the articles they like the most.
This site has been created mainly with Ruby on Rails as a framework and PostgreSQL database.
The Entity Relationship Diagram used in the database:
- Ruby 2.7.2
- Ruby on Rails 6.1.1
- PostgreSQL
- Sqlite
- Rspec gem
- Simple_form gem
- Devise gem
- Shrine gem
- Bullet gem
- Bulma
To run this project locally, please ensure you have Ruby and Ruby on Rails installed on your machine, then clone this repository by running.
git clone
Open your terminal and CD to the directory where you create the clone repository.
Now run:
bundle install
The next two steps are important to avoid an error of action text.
First run:
yarn install --check-files
Then you need to reinstall action text with:
rails action_text:install
If the install asks you to overwrite something, just enter:
To setup the database run:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
Is super important to populate the app, so now run:
rails db:seed
To set up the server put:
rails s
After this you can open your favorite web-browser and copy paste the next:
👤 Miguel Ricaño
- Github: @mricanho
- Linkedin: Miguel Ricaño
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
- The Odin Project
This project is MIT licensed.