Makes your OctoPrint instance discoverable via
Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:
# registry endpoint to use
# interval for re-registrations after a client has been seen
interval_client: 300.0
# interval for re-registrations when no client has been seen yet
interval_noclient: 60.0
# instance name if server name is configured
instance_with_name: "OctoPrint instance \"{name}\""
# instance name if only the hostname is known
instance_with_host: "OctoPrint on {host}"
# paths whose existance will disable the updater
# can be used to easily disable even before very first startup
# for privacy reasons
# disable_if_exists:
# - /boot/dont_register.txt
# everything under "public" is taken from the discovery plugin
# settings if possible but can be overwritten here too
# public:
# uuid: <unique id, auto generated on demand>
# scheme: <http or https>
# port: <external port to use for connections>
# path: <path prefix to reach octoprint>
# httpUser: <http user name if needed>
# httpPass: <http password if needed>