simple and good ao2 server
- automatic spam bans (configurable)
- full webAO support
- rooms
- auto loop music
- moderator commands
- tsuserver3/serverD config import
- no botnet guarantee
- download zip,extract
- install node.js (google how!!!)
- run the following commands inside of the bengoshi directory
- npm install (this will download the needed files, you only need to do this once)
- npm start (this starts the server)
- yay!!
- port: this is the server port
- msip: master server ip
- msport: master server port
- private: do not list on master server
- maxPlayers: most players allowed
- modpass: password that allows players to become a moderator
- name: name in master server
- description: message box in master server
- motd: sent when client connects
- backgrounds: array of strings that are valid backgrounds
- rooms: each room is an objext with the following properties:
- name: room name in music list
- background: default background
- BGLock: prevent background changes
- CELock: prevent WT/CE messages
- private: only moderators can join
- bans: people who can't connect, object with ip property and hwid property
- mods: array of ip strings with moderator powers
- maxRepeats: number of consecutive messages that are identical before autoban
- maxArgLength: the most fields allowed in a packet before autoban, DO NOT SET BELOW 16
- maxBadPackets: number of invalid packets before autoban
- wsTime: milliseconds before a connection is assumed to not be a websocket. lower values may cause webAO problems on hosts with bad internet, but higher values will introduce a loading delay for non-webAO users
- songs: objects with properties name and time in seconds
- time is needed for autoloop
- set category to true, and it will be an unclickable song category
- characters: array of character name strings