EmbeddedEE is a small library that provides an embedded HTTP server with JAX-RS, CDI and JPA support. Internally, EmbeddedEE works as a glue layer between Jetty, Weld, Jersey, and Hibernate.
Add the EmbeddedEE dependency to your maven project:
<dependency> <groupId>me.sigtrap</groupId> <artifactId>embeddedee-core</artifactId> <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency>
Start the server. You can optionally forward the application command line arguments:
public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { EmbeddedEE app = new EmbeddedEE(); //forward command line args to EmbeddedEE app.start(args); } }
The server can be configured through a YAML file called application.yaml. During the startup search the library you search for the configuration file on this order:
- One or more configuration files provided by the command line option "-c". If multiple files are provided, the configuration will be merged;
- A file called application.yaml located on the current directory;
- A resource file called application.yaml.
The example below describes the main configuration options available:
# HTTP port the server should listen
httpPort: 8080
# Application URL
serverUrl: http://localhost:8080/
# Upper limit on the number of threads the server will start
maxThreads: 512
# Minimum number of idle threads the server will keep on the pool
minThreads: 128
# Directory from where static files will be served. If this value is not provided, we'll look for a webapp folder
# inside the jar or on the current directory
webRoot: /var/www
# Sets if the server should send the server version header on each response
sendServerVersion: false
# Datasource name
# JNDI name where the datasource will be published
jndiName: datasources/ExampleDS
# JDBC connection URL
jdbcUrl: jdbc:h2:~/exemplo.db;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE
# JDBC driver
driverClassName: org.h2.Driver
# Username and password that will be provided to the database driver
username: sa
password: ''
# Maximum number of connections that the pool will support
maxPoolSize: 20
# Minimum idle connections
minPoolSize: 1
# Query executed by the pool to test the connection
connectionTestQuery: SELECT 1
# SQL statement executed for each new connection
connectionInitSql: SELECT 1
# Maximum number of milliseconds that a client will wait for a connection
connectionTimeout: 30000
# Maximum number of milliseconds that a connection will stay idle on the pool
maxIdleTime: 120000
# One or more key/value configuration properties that will be available via 'System.getProperty'
property: value
The following command line options are supported by the EmbeddedEE server:
- "-c [config file]": Path to a yaml configuration file located on the filesystem. If this option is provided, the configuration file provided inside the jar will be ignored.
- "-l [log4j config file]": Path to a log4j configuration file that should be used by the application.
- "-p [http port]": HTTP port that the server should listen. If this option is provided, the port configured on the application.yaml file is ignored.
Any files located inside a "webapp" directory at the current directory will be served at the root application level.
This repository contains a sample application that can be used as a starting point for new projects.
EmbeddedEE is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. Check the LICENSE file for the full license text.
- Add full JTA and XA support. At the moment the library supports only non-XA datasources and RESOURCE_LOCAL persistence contexts;
- Authentication support;
- Unit tests;