The contents here aim to simulate encounters of animals under varied survey designs using clustered point detectors of a fixed sampling effort. The simulated data will be analyzed using spatial capture-recapture (with the R package oSCR
), and occupancy modeling (R package unmarked
The output from the analyses will be compared to obtain the most effective designs for occupancy analysis, SCR analysis, and potentially both.
This file will contain all of the custom functions to create a specified design, simulate data, to fetch and push tasks to be done / completed, and perform the analysis on simulated data.
This file is the original script provided by Andy trialing the basic idea for the simulation.
This powerpoint file contains a workflow for organizing and executing the simulations. Topics left to resolve are:
- How to store the output data?
- Exactly what design considerations are we varying apart from cluster spacing, and traps per cluster? (i.e. are we varying population settings? Of what kind?)
Temporary file to run some functions with parameters
A temporary file for people to practice pulling/pushing data from/to Github.