This project helps you to download a large amount of ordered PDF-files from a remote server, downloads, joins and optimizes them.
You'll need a list of the links to the PDF files comprising your book. If you're using Google Chrome, you might want to use Link Klippr. Configure it to use "TXT" as output format, set "Multiple Extensions" to "pdf" and activate the option.
After that, you're good to go.
This project also includes an application to delete double pages in pdf files, which can be super useful. Just use the "" script included in the projects folder.
./ebook-download-helper link-list.txt "Name of the Book"
./ pdf-file.pdf
You'll need a UNIX-like OS in order to execute this script.
macOS High Sierra is my personal target platform, but it should work on Linux and other UNIX-like OS'es without any hassle.
You'll need the following packages:
- Ghostscript
- wget
- poppler
- grep
On macOS, I recommend the installation of the dependencies via On other platforms, use the package manager of your personal preference. On the command-line, enter the following command (with homebrew installed):
brew install ghostscript wget poppler grep git
After that, you can clone this respository using git:
git clone
Change in the directory of the script and execute it, either by running
bash ebook-download-helper link-list.txt "Name of the Book"
./ebook-download-helper link-list.txt "Name of the Book"
This problem regarding deeply defective PDFs actually is not trivially solvable unless using Adobe Acrobat. If Adobe Acrobat is installed, you can open the file using Adobe Acrobat and use "File - Save As" to save a repaired version. After that, you might want to use Ghostscript on its own to further optimize the PDF and reduce its filesize, like so:
gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf