The cargo agent is an integrated analysis sub-module for MoveApps. It is executed on the data output after each run of an App and provides the user with a quick overview of the output that has been created by an App. It is indicated by a green 'bobble' on the top-right corner of an App container and can be opened by clicking on it. Usually, it gives an overview of the number of animals, tracks and locations, the time interval, bounding box and attribute names. Depending on the output type of an App, these properties can differ.
When a new IO type is requested for MoveApps for the first time, the person submitting it is required to provide cargo agent analysis code that produces a list of summary properties that MoveApps can print as a json overview of the most important properties of the data type, so that anyone using Apps with this IO type as output can quickly evaluate obtained results. Please follow the steps below to create it.
- What is a good title for the IO type?
Provide a sensible label for the IO type that you request. Please follow our convention to include the package name and class name like
. This title is intended for MoveApps users. - What is a good slug for the IO type? Your IO type must be referenced in a file-path-save way. For example a slug for the label
could bectmm_telementry_list
. This slug is intended for other App developers and MoveApps-intern file paths. - What is the file-extension of this IO type? Provide the extension of the file by which the new IO type can be transferred to the user during download. This file-extension is intended for MoveAppy users. In R, the recommended file extension is rds.
- Title (referenced in the following document as
) - Slug (
) - File-Extension (
Please do not work on our main
branch, but fork the repository and add files that are necessary to extend MoveApps by your requested IO type. After that, submit a Pull-Request to this repository with your changes. See below for details of the necessary files:
- analyzer code
- example data
- documentation
- unit tests
Location: src/analyzer/{IO_TYPE_SLUG}/analyzer.R
Implement code to extract a useful list of overview properties of your new IO type in a new, separate sub-folder below src/analyzer
. Copy an existing analyzer.R function (from another, similar IO type), rename, adapt and include it into the repository. Make sure that a proper list of useful information is created by your code (with useful keys). At the end, this list will be serialized by jsonlite
and presented to any MoveApps user that runs Apps of this new IO (output) type in a workflow.
An example output of a (serialized json) list
"Anser albifrons"
"2013-09-30 08:30:48",
"2014-10-25 08:30:44"
"+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
If your analyzer needs a 3rd party library as dependency you must manage it with renv
and commit the changed snapshot (renv.lock
- install the package with
(or any other package manager) - (inspect the changed state with
) - create a new snapshot with
- commit the changed
file to the SCM
Location: src/analyzer/{IO_TYPE_SLUG}/
Please document your IO type. If publicly available documentation for your IO type already exist feel free to provide a link to this document in the
Location: tests/testthat/data/{IO_TYPE_SLUG}/some_file_name.rds
Example data of a new IO type are useful to understand their uses and properties. Provide 2-3 example files that properly work with your cargo agent analyzer code.
Location: tests/testthat/test_{IO_TYPE_SLUG}.R
Unit tests ensure that edge cases are considered sufficiently by open code like the cargo agent of a new IO type. This code needs to run properly, as it is used within the MoveApps system each time an App with the respective IO type as output is run. Please include unit tests, using the R package testthat, for all simple edge cases. If you are unsure, have a look at test files of other IO types.
After you have created a pull request to our GitHub repository, our administrators will evaluate all files and get back to you with comments and/or approve the new IO type by merging your branch. Finally, our GitHub workflow will execute all tests and initialise the build of a Docker image.
With the pull request link from above, you are able to request the IO type on MoveApps. This can be done during initialization of a new App at MoveApps and following the link for requesting a new IO type. You need the information from the first step of this document (Preparation) and the link to your Pull Request.