$ virtualenv python.ru --python=python3.5 $ source python.ru/bin/activate $ git clone [email protected]:moscowpython/python.ru.git python_ru $ cd python_ru $ git checkout feature/launch # remove after merging in master $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python manage.py migrate # Loading development fixtures $ python manage.py loaddata fixtures/development.json # Some images to work with $ cp -R fixtures/media/ media/ $ python manage.py runserver # Creating admin account, regular password strength validation applies! $ python manage.py createsuperuser --username admin [email protected]
$ python manage.py dumpdata --exclude=auth --exclude=sessions --exclude=contenttypes --exclude=admin --indent 4 > fixtures/development.json $ cp -R media/ fixtures/media/ # Commit fixtures, keeping their size reasonable
$ pip install tox $ tox