This is a hack of Pokémon Yellow that aims to add both visual and gameplay improvements. It's built off of the disassembly project of Pokémon Yellow found here.
To set up the repository, see
- Species specific party icons
- Updated all 151 front sprites, with species specific colour palettes
- Any Pokémon in the 1st party slot now always follows behind the player on the overworld. All 151 pokemon currently have their own overworld sprites, but this is still a W.I.P.
- All Pokémon names have been changed to be capitalized correctly
- All Pokémon are able to be obtained without glitches or other versions (Pokémon missing from yellow have been re-added to their original wild areas from red or blue)
Eevee - Code used that allowed for species specific party member icons.
Emimonserrate - Sprites used for species party icons.
Danny-E - Referenced code with issues getting unscaled back sprites