Download source code from github and go to project directory run this command:
npm install
Or install by npm directly:
npm install translate-rpgmaker-plugin --global
Or download single executable app from release page.
Go to project directory, rename .env.example to .env and fill it on demand.
If using executable binary, put .env in the same directory.
Get key from:
Or just copy text to existing translator manually.
Use this command in project directory:
node ./translate.js [options] <plugin>
Or use use this command in anywhere(when installing globally):
translate-rpgmaker-plugin [options] <plugin>
Or use single executable app:
./translate-rm [options] <plugin>
- On Windows:
.\translate-rm.exe [options] <plugin>
plugin plugin path
--src <lang> source language
--target <lang> target language
--txt <path> translated text file path to import (default: "")
--output <dir> output Directory (default: "./")
--engine <type> translate engine type (choices: "deepl", "azure", "google", "manual", default: "manual")
--split-text for translate large amounts of text, but be aware of API quotas (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
Translate engine types:
needs DEEPL_KEY in env vars
needs AZURE_KEY and AZURE_REGION in env vars
use $ gcloud auth application-default login
will generate txt file for manual translation (ex. website version of google translate, microsoft word, etc..)
Available languages:
import translatePlugin from "translate-rpgmaker-plugin";
const options = {
pluginPath: "path/to/plugin/xxx.js",
srcLang: "en",
targetLang: "zh",
outputDir: "path/to/output", // default: "./"
engineType: "deepl", // default: "manual"
txtPath: "path/to/import/xxx.txt", // default: ""
splitText: false, // default: false
await translatePlugin(options);