Ansible Playbook to install HDP. It should work on RHEL6, OEL6 and CentOS6. It has been tested on CentOS6
1- Edit hosts file to define cluster
2- Edit site.yml to select which service you would like to install by adding / removing services
3- Edit variable files in vars folder.
The following files are mandatory
- network_info
- repository_info
The following files are optionals
- users
Everything should be installed, but services won't be started. You will need to connect to ambari webui on port 8080 to start services manually
NB : Following the installation, you can find all scripts + logfiles in /root/ambari-install
Hive server will also run
- metastore
- mysql server
- webhcat
- hcatalog
Ambari Server will run
- ganglia
- nagios
TODO : make the service start following the installation