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v0.1.0 (March 9, 2020)

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@Avasil Avasil released this 08 Mar 23:09
· 173 commits to master since this release

The first stable release of Monix BIO.

It covers almost entire monix.eval.Task API and introduces extra type parameter for errors (like a built-in Task[Either[E, A]] and relevant combinators.

Missing Task combinators are:

final def flatMapLoop[E1 >: E, S](seed: S)(f: (A, S, S => BIO[E1, S]) => BIO[E1, S]): BIO[E1, S] =
  this.flatMap { a =>
    f(a, seed, flatMapLoop[E1, S](_)(f))

0.1.1 version will be released as soon as these are added.

The project will maintain binary compatibility in 0.1.x line. It is suitable for general usage but I would not recommend building a lot of libraries on it just yet unless you are fine with upgrade in few months.

Not all scaladocs are updated for BIO and currently there is no other documentation on the website. It will be my priority in April. Until then I consider the project as something for more advanced user who are already familiar with idea of IO Monad and error type exposed in the type parameter.


I'm really grateful to all the contributors (in the order of commits):

As well as all the people who encouraged me and showed interest in the project 😊