This repo stores code required for two testing setups.
- Drivetrain Rig
- Here a power meter is connected to the crank and a rider pedals to drive a generator.
- Power output on the generator is measured using Power = Voltage x Current.
- We use an arduino uno to measure the instantaneous voltage and current respectively
- This is transmitted over a serial link to a computer
- PLX-DAQ is used to capture the incoming serial data on the computer end, and log this to a spreadsheet.
- Rolling Resistance Rig
- Here a reed switch is connected to the fork. A magnet is attached to the wheel. A pi is connected to the reed switch.
- The pi runs a script on boot which monitors the push button. (To set this up the /etc/rc.local file and add the line "python /home/pi/Documents/MHP_DTR/Raspi_ReedSwitch/ &" before "exit 0")
- When the push button is pressed the script calls or
- captures zero crossings caused by the magnet passing the reed switch. The time delay between two falling edges, combined with knowledge of the wheel size (d=2pir), allows us to calculate velocity of the wheel (distance/time). Velocity is stored to a csv file.
- captures zero crossings caused by the magnet passing the reed switch. This script stores only the time delay between zero crossings. Speed is calculated in post analysis using excel.
- Files are transferred of the pi by using scp. A typical command could be "scp [email protected] :/home/pi/Documents/MHP_DTR/Raspi_ReedSwitch/Recording_0.csv /Users//Desktop" where specifies setup dependent variables. Note your computer will be need to be connected to MHP_MobileNet, as will the pi used.