Teensy scripts to test if individual sensors work using the hardware debugger.
You will need the following libraries installed:
- SparkFun LSM6DS3 Breakout
- TinyGPS++ (Download Link)
GPS Module is not powered on properly. Your GPS module is probably broken.
Your IMU is probably broken.
Check the following:
- Reed switch mount is close to the magnet located in the rear wheel
- RJ45 cable coupler is correctly connecting the two RJ45 cables together
Logs reed switch events to the serial port.
- Baud rate
. The led on pin 13 will flash fast until a serial terminal is opened. - Press send
to the teensy to reset it. - Set
to" "
for space separated values or to","
for comma separated values (csv). - See the notion page discussing this here.
- Each row contains:
- Time since the teensy started.
- The number of rotations since the teensy started.
- The time it took for the last rotation.
- The revolutions per minute for the last rotation.
- Data is sent and the LED toggled each time the magnet is brought near the switch.
- All times are in microseconds (µs).
See here.
minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -C "WheelSpeed_$(date +%H-%M-%S).csv"
Picocom and other tools will be similar.
This is tedious, but is another option. Simply copy and paste from the serial terminal. In the versions we tested, only the area currently visible on screen can be copied at a time.
is a python file that graphs the angular velocity and angular acceleration over time.
The output format from the DAS is in a CSV format that most software should be able to import.