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Phone Number Parser Release 0.1

This is a simple Node/Express application that parses, validates, and displays phone numbers using Google's libphonenumber library.


As of February 4, 2018, unit testing using Jest and Supertest have been implemented


  • Implement unit testing with Jest and Supertest for various GET / endpoints.
  • Continue implementing unit testing for POST /api/phonenumbers/parse/file/{file} endpoint.
  • Improve the following HTML files: HomePage, How To, and Upload a File
  • Provide support for Word Documents, and PDF files for file parsing.
  • Reconstruct front-end to a React, Angular, or a Vue application. Decision will be made once the previous to-do's have been completed.

Working Demo on Heroku

Setting up your environment

  • In order for this application to work, you must have the latest NodeJS framework installed.
  • Visual Studio Code is the recommended IDE as it is being used for the current development of this application.

Running the application locally

This application will run locally using port 8080. Once your environment has been setup, follow these steps in order to run the application:

  1. Install dependencies using npm
npm install or npm i
  1. Run the application
npm start or node index.js

Interacting with the application

Upon running the application, you will be taken to a homepage with details how to interact with the two API endpoints:

  1. GET
    • Submit a phone number through the endpoint's URI. For example:
      /text/SenecaCollege4164915050 - this is a valid phone number
      /text/Hello - this will return an empty list [{}] as no numbers can be found
      /text/1234567890 - this is not a valid phone number, and response will be an error message
  2. GET
    • This endpoint will prompt for a file upload containing a list of strings and numbers and through filtering and validations will return a formatted list of all the valid phone numbers found. You can use the numbers.txt provided in this package.

Unit Testing

Jest is an open source unit testing framework by Facebook used to test Javascript codes. It was developed with the philosophy of providing a "zero configuration" experience that allows developers to have a better testing experience.

Both Jest and Supertest are already included in the development dependencies, therefore not needing to install them. To run the tests, simply follow this command:

npm test

And the results should output as follows:

PASS __tests__\server-test.js
  Testing '/' route
    √ GET '/' should respond with Status 200 (34ms)
  Testing /parse/text/ endpoint
    √ GET /api/phonenumbers/parse/text should expect 200 and a How To Page (4ms)
  Testing /parse/text/:phone endpoint
    √ GET /api/phonenumbers/parse/text/Seneca College 416-491-5050 is valid (7ms)
    √ GET /api/phonenumbers/parse/text/Seneca College +1 416-491-5050 (with +1 int'l code) is valid (3ms)
    √ GET /api/phonenumbers/parse/text/Hello should return an empty [{}] because no numbers were found (2ms)
    √ GET /api/phonenumbers/parse/text/1234567890 is invalid (2ms)
  Testing /parse/file/ endpoint
    √ GET /api/phonenumbers/parse/file should expect 200 and a form to upload a file (3ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       7 passed, 7 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.006s
Ran all test suites.


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