This a news app which follows MVVM architecture.
- UI - Jetpack Compose
- LazyColumn
- Compose Navigation
- Light/Dark Theme
- Material Design
- The RESTful API used is News API.
- Retrofit for networking.
- Android Room for data persistence : ArticleDAO, NewsDatabase, Converters, Article Entity are used.
- Kotlin Coroutines & Flows: Coroutines are used for network calls and Flows are used to fetch the data from the database.
- Pagination: Paging 3 library is used for pagination.
- MVVM Architecture: NewsViewModel for business logic. NewsRepository for accessing data.
- Searching : Retrieves search results from the REST API.
- WebView.
- Swipe to Delete.
News Article Screen | Favourites Screen | Search Screen |
WebView Screen | Swipe To Delete | Add To Favourites |