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smsgw - gnokii based SMS Gateway written in PHP.

Install gnokii with mysql backend. On Debian/Ubuntu, this is done by,
# apt-get install gnokii-common gnokii-smsd-mysql gnokii

Connect your phone to computer through USB cable. The 'dmesg' command
displays the device location. In many cases, it's /dev/ttyACM0

Modify /etc/gnokiirc to add the port information, model, baudrate, and
telephone number. Sample config is shown below.

    port = /dev/ttyACM0
    model = AT
    initlength = default
    connection = serial
    use_locking = yes
    serial_baudrate = 19200
    smsc_timeout = 10
    allow_breakage = 0
    bindir = /usr/sbin/
    TELEPHONE = 1234567
    debug = off
    rlpdebug = off

Test if it's working,
$ echo "This is a test message." | gnokii --sendsms 987654321

1) Create mysql database 
   > create database 'smsgw';
   > grant all privileges on `smsgw`.* to `smsgw-user`@`localhost` identified
     by 's3cr37passw0rd';
2) Import smsgw.sql file
   $ mysql -p -u smsgw-user smsgw < smsgw.sql
   You may delete smsgw.sql after importing it.
2) Modify include/config.php to match the db details above

Running the application
For it to work, you need a domain with catch-all email address. Let's say
it's [email protected]. Any email sent to [email protected], [email protected]
is forwarded to [email protected]. This is handy since we can use the user
portion of email address as Phone number.

Once the catch-all email is working, start by add email2sms.php and
sms2email.php cron job to run every minute, shown as below:
    * * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/email2sms.php 
    * * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/sms2email.php

Assuming, the details above, start gnokii daemon by typing following on the
$ /usr/sbin/smsd -u sms-user -d smsgw -c localhost -m mysql -b IN -f /var/log/smsgwd.log

The daemon will monitor the smsgw table for any incoming text message on the
phone first line of which is the email address and adds it to the outgoing
email queue. sms2email.php goes through the email queue and sends the email.

Incoming Text Message -> (phone) -> Send Email

Any email received on catch-all email address is inspected for phone number
regular expression in the user portion. (eg: [email protected]) The rest
of the email is then added to the outgoing text queue which is delivered by smsd.

Email (eg, To Address: [email protected]) -> (phone) -> Send Text to 12345 


SMS Gateway with gnokii backend and PHP






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