Solving Multi-Stage, Long-Horizon Robotic Tasks in the Franka Kitchen Gym Environment
This repository implements a hybrid Imitation Learning (IL) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach to address complex, multi-step robotic tasks in the sparse-reward environment of the Franka Kitchen. It integrates human experiences and hierarchical learning to enhance long-horizon task performance.
Imitation Learning Phase:
- Creating goal-conditioned hierarchical policies based on human demonstrations.
- Using a game controller interface to collect human-piloted robot actions for tasks like opening the microwave, building a comprehensive replay buffer.
- Weighted replay buffers prioritize human-generated experiences during early training stages.
Reinforcement Learning Phase:
- Fine-tuning policies with the Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) algorithm for efficient long-horizon task performance.
- Dynamic reliance on human data ensures smooth transitions from imitation to independent policy learning.
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning:
- Implementing a meta-agent to manage a static list of task-specific policies.
- Coordinating and loading the appropriate sub-policy to solve individual subtasks in a multi-task environment.
This project is inspired by the paper:
Relay Policy Learning: Solving Long-Horizon Tasks via Imitation and Reinforcement Learning