This is the mParticle Java SDK for the server-based Events API - use it to send your data to the mParticle platform and off to 250+ integrations! The SDK is designed to be use in a variety of environments. It provides a Retrofit interface as well as serializable models if you prefer to handle HTTP transport on your own.
This SDK is designed only to be used in a server-side environment. If you're looking for our Android SDK - please see here.
Java 1.7 and later.
The SDK is available via Maven Central and jCenter.
implementation 'com.mparticle:server-events-sdk:2.3.2'
You can also install it locally and use it from a local Maven repository:
./gradlew uploadArchives
All data that passes through mParticle does so in the form of a "batch." A batch describes identities, attributes, events, and other information related to a single user. This SDK lets you upload either single batches or multiple batches at a time.
The full schema of a batch is documented in the mParticle Events API overview. The models in this SDK directly match the JSON referenced in the overview.
Batch batch = new Batch();
// Set a Data Plan
Context context = new Context();
DataPlanContext dpContext = new DataPlanContext();
// Set user identities
new UserIdentities()
.email("[email protected]")
// Set device identities
new DeviceInformation()
// Set user attributes
Map<String, Object> userAttributes = new HashMap<>();
userAttributes.put("foo", "bar");
userAttributes.put("foo-array", new String[]{"bar1", "bar2"});
userAttributes.put("foo-array-2", Arrays.asList("bar3","bar4"));
It's critical to include either user or device identities with your server-side data
All mParticle events have a similar structure:
: this is the type of event, such ascustom_event
: this contains common properties of all events, as well as properties specific to eachevent_type
The following are common properties that all events share, as represented by the CommonEventData
"data" :
"event_id" : 6004677780660780000,
"source_message_id" : "e8335d31-2031-4bff-afec-17ffc1784697",
"session_id" : 4957918240501247982,
"session_uuid" : "91b86d0c-86cb-4124-a8b2-edee107de454",
"timestamp_unixtime_ms" : 1402521613976,
"location" : {},
"device_current_state" : {},
"custom_attributes": {},
"custom_flags": {}
"event_type" : "custom_event"
The Java Server Events SDK represents this structure via an event and an event-data class for each unique event type. For example, CustomEvent
which can be populated by a CustomEventData
Map customAttributes = new HashMap<>();
customAttributes.put("foo", "bar");
CustomEvent event = new CustomEvent().data(
new CustomEventData()
.eventName("My Custom Event Name")
ScreenViewEvent event = new ScreenViewEvent().data(
new ScreenViewEventData()
.screenName("foo screen")
Product product = new Product()
.totalProductAmount(new BigDecimal("123.12"))
ProductAction action = new ProductAction()
.totalAmount(new BigDecimal("123.12"))
CommerceEvent event = new CommerceEvent().data(
new CommerceEventData().productAction(action)
is a Retrofit-compatible interface, allowing you to use the rich feature-set of the Retrofit and OkHttp libraries, such as queueing and asynchronous requests.
Create an API instance with your mParticle workspace credentials. These credentials may be either "platform" (iOS, Android, etc) or "custom feed" keys:
EventsApi api = new ApiClient("API KEY", "API-SECRET")
The mParticle Events API leverages HTTP basic authentication over TLS.
The SDK supports both multi-batch ("bulk") or single-batch uploads:
//assemble your Batch
Batch batch = new Batch();
batch.userIdentities(new UserIdentities()
.email("[email protected]")
// Add your events
Map customAttributes = new HashMap<>();
customAttributes.put("foo", "bar");
CustomEvent customEvent = new CustomEvent().data(
new CustomEventData()
.eventName("foo event")
ScreenViewEvent screenEvent = new ScreenViewEvent().data(
new ScreenViewEventData()
.screenName("foo screen")
EventsApi api = new ApiClient("API KEY", "API-SECRET").createService(EventsApi.class);
// Perform a bulk upload
List<Batch> bulk = new ArrayList<>();
Call<Void> bulkResult = api.bulkUploadEvents(bulk);
Response<Void> bulkResponse = bulkResult.execute();
// Perform a single upload
Call<Void> singleResult = api.uploadEvents(batch);
Response<Void> singleResponse = singleResult.execute();