Please refer to mmiots9/pylabnotebook for the most up to date version. This repo will not be updated anymore. |
This project aims to help bioinformaticians in creating the so called "Laboratory notebook" automatically, thanks to git workflow manager.
IMPORTANT: this tool is based on git and its application. Based on git history, it will create an html notebook divided by date and commit.
- Automatically create a laboratory notebook
- Customizable CSS file
- Possibility to ignore the labnotebook folder in commits
- Direct link to analysis files
- Export to html
for file in ~/path-to-folder/*.sh; do source "$file"; done
On top, you have the notebook name, the author and the notebook creation date. Then, for each day, you have a list of all the commits done, organized as follow:
- Commit message (first line)
- Commit body
- sha
- Analysis file
- List of changed files
createnotebook name of the notebook
(It could contain spaces).
A .labnotebook folder is created, containing config file, a basic css file and three file containing head, body and footer of the html file.
IMPORTANT: never change the name of the created folder and its files.
When you want to update the notebook, go to the folder in which is present the .git folder, typeupdatenotebook
and follow the instructions.
IMPORTANT: If you have set to NOT ignore .labnotebook folder, after each notebook update a commit is made with labnotebook as author.
When updating the notebook, it automatically create a list of analysis files for each commit with direct links to them. By default, it takes all the .html files changed/added in that commit.If you want to add different extensions, you can update the .labnotebook config file by adding/removing extensions in the ANALYSIS_EXT variable. As it is a bash array, each extension should be separated by space (eg. ANALYSIS_EXT=(".log" ".html")).
Moreover, by creating a ".labignore" file, you can exclude some files/folders to be recognized as analysis files (as for a standard .gitignore file). When you want to export the full html file containing the notebook, go to the folder in which is present the .git folder, type
exportnotebook file_to_create.html