Install the plugin using composer
composer require mmeester/mmees-slack-notifier
In your CLI run the following inside the root of your Shopware project:
Detect new plugins: bin/console plugin:refresh
👉 Look for the new plugin
Install & activate the plugin: bin/console plugin:install --activate mmeesSlackNotifier
URL will follow once the plugin is published to the Shopware store
To use the plugin we need a Slack webhook to post an event:
- Go to
- Click the green button "Create new app" in the right top corner
- Give your app a proper name (eq. "Shopware"), select the workspace you want to install the app, and click the button "Create App"
- Create a webhook clicking the option "Incoming Webhooks"
- Activate the webhook by flipping the switch in the right top corner
- Scroll down and click the button "Add New Webhook to Workspace", select the channel you want your notifications to be posted to and click "Allow"
- Install the plugin to your Shopware store
- Copy the webhook URL and add this to the configuration of this plugin.
- You are all setup, start selling / placing orders and notifications will follow
Currently We're looking for ideas / inspiration on watchable events.Please create an issues if you also have some thoughts on this! Here are some first thoughts:
- State changes on order
- New customer registration
- Failed admin login attempt
- New review
- Newsletter subscription
- Product out of stock
- Return request
- Refactor current code
We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:
- Reporting a bug
- Discussing the current state of the code
- Submitting a fix
- Proposing new features
- Becoming a maintainer