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Tentative fix for #30 (superclass method access)
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gnumonik committed Apr 30, 2024
1 parent c8fac0a commit 722270d
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Showing 8 changed files with 108 additions and 35 deletions.
44 changes: 26 additions & 18 deletions src/Language/PureScript/CoreFn/Desugar.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Language.PureScript.AST.SourcePos (SourceSpan(..), SourceAnn)
import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Ann (Ann, ssAnn)
import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Binders (Binder(..))
import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Expr (Bind(..), CaseAlternative(..), Expr(..), Guard)
import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Utils (exprType)
import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Utils (exprType, stripQuantifiers)
import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Meta (Meta(..))
import Language.PureScript.CoreFn.Module (Module(..))
import Language.PureScript.Crash (internalError)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import Language.PureScript.Names (
Name (DctorName), ProperNameType (TypeName))
Name (DctorName), ProperNameType (..), disqualify)
import Language.PureScript.PSString (PSString)
import Language.PureScript.Types (
pattern REmptyKinded,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ exprToCoreFn _ ss (Just tyVar) astlit@(A.Literal _ (ArrayLiteral [])) = wrapTrac
pure $ Literal (ss,[],Nothing) tyVar (ArrayLiteral [])
exprToCoreFn _ _ Nothing astlit@(A.Literal _ (ArrayLiteral _)) =
internalError $ "Error while desugaring Array Literal. No type provided for literal:\n" <> renderValue 100 astlit

exprToCoreFn mn ss (Just recTy@(RecordT row)) astlit@(A.Literal _ (ObjectLiteral objFields)) = wrapTrace ("exprToCoreFn OBJECTLIT " <> renderValue 100 astlit) $ do
traceM $ "ObjLitTy: " <> show row
let (tyFields,_) = rowToList row
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,8 +281,29 @@ exprToCoreFn _ _ _ (A.Literal ss (StringLiteral string)) =
exprToCoreFn mn ss (Just accT) accessor@(A.Accessor name v) = wrapTrace ("exprToCoreFn ACCESSOR " <> renderValue 100 accessor) $ do
v' <- exprToCoreFn mn ss Nothing v -- v should always have a type assigned during typechecking (i.e. it will be a TypedValue that will be unwrapped)
pure $ Accessor (ssA ss) accT name v'
exprToCoreFn _ _ Nothing accessor@(A.Accessor _ _) =
internalError $ "Error while desugaring record accessor. No type provided for expression: \n" <> renderValue 100 accessor
exprToCoreFn mn ss Nothing accessor@(A.Accessor name v) = do
v' <- exprToCoreFn mn ss Nothing v
let vTy = exprType v'
env <- getEnv
case analyzeCtor vTy of
Nothing -> internalError $ "(1) Error while desugaring record accessor."
<> " No type provided for expression: \n" <> renderValue 100 accessor
<> "\nRecord type: " <> ppType 1000 vTy
<> "\nsynonyms: " <> show (runProperName . disqualify <$> M.keys env.types)
Just (TypeConstructor _ tyNm,_) -> case M.lookup (tyNameToCtorName tyNm) env.dataConstructors of
Nothing -> internalError $ "(2) Error while desugaring record accessor."
<> " No type provided for expression: \n" <> renderValue 100 accessor
Just (_,_,ty,_) -> case stripQuantifiers ty of
(_,RecordT inner :-> _) -> do
let tyMap = M.fromList $ (\x -> (runLabel (rowListLabel x),x)) <$> (fst $ rowToList inner)
case M.lookup name tyMap of
Just (rowListType -> resTy) -> pure $ Accessor (ssA ss) resTy name v'
Nothing -> internalError $ "(3) Error while desugaring record accessor."
<> " No type provided for expression: \n" <> renderValue 100 accessor
(_,other) -> internalError $ "****DEBUG:\n" <> ppType 100 other
tyNameToCtorName :: Qualified (ProperName 'TypeName) -> Qualified (ProperName 'ConstructorName)
tyNameToCtorName (Qualified qb tNm) = Qualified qb (coerceProperName tNm)

exprToCoreFn mn ss (Just recT) objUpd@(A.ObjectUpdate obj vs) = wrapTrace ("exprToCoreFn OBJ UPDATE " <> renderValue 100 objUpd) $ do
obj' <- exprToCoreFn mn ss Nothing obj
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -442,15 +462,14 @@ exprToCoreFn _ _ Nothing ctor@(A.Constructor _ _) =
those types can be synthesized), we cannot be sure that the whole case expression has an explicit
type annotation, so we try to deduce the type from the types of the alternative branches.
NOTE: This is kind of a hack to let us reuse (rather than rewrite) the existing case
NOTE: This is kind of a hack to let us reuse (rather than rewrite) the existing case/guard
desugaring machinery. In order to correctly type the generated `let` bindings
(see Language.PureScript.Sugar.CaseDeclarations), we must manually construct a polymorphic
type that the PS typechecker cannot infer or deduce. We cannot construct such a type without
the initial PS typechecker pass. We could write two nearly-identical versions of the
case desugaring machinery and try to run the typechecker twice, but that adds a lot of
complexity (machinery is complicated) and would not be good for performance (typechecking
and inference have bad complexity).
exprToCoreFn mn ss (Just caseTy) astCase@(A.Case vs alts) = wrapTrace "exprToCoreFn CASE" $ do
traceM $ "CASE:\n" <> renderValue 100 astCase
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,18 +550,7 @@ altToCoreFn mn ss ret boundTypes (A.CaseAlternative bs vs) = wrapTrace "altToCo
guardToExpr [A.ConditionGuard cond] = cond
guardToExpr _ = internalError "Guard not correctly desugared"

{- Dirty hacks. If something breaks, odds are pretty good that it has something do with something here.

These two functions are adapted from utilities in Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Types:
- transformLetBindings is a modification of inferLetBindings
- inferBinder' is a modification of inferBinder'
We need functions that perform the same tasks as those in TypeChecker.Types, but we cannot use the
existing functions because they call instantiatePolyTypeWithUnknowns. Instantiating a polytype to
an unknown type is correct *during the initial typechecking phase*, but it is disastrous for us
because we need to preserve the quantifiers explicitly in the typed AST.
transformLetBindings :: forall m. M m => ModuleName -> SourceSpan -> [Bind Ann] -> [A.Declaration] -> A.Expr -> m ([Bind Ann], Expr Ann)
transformLetBindings mn ss seen [] ret = (seen,) <$> withBindingGroupVisible (exprToCoreFn mn ss Nothing ret)
transformLetBindings mn _ss seen ((A.ValueDecl sa@(ss,_) ident nameKind [] [A.MkUnguarded (A.TypedValue checkType val ty)]) : rest) ret =
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Language/PureScript/Environment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -390,6 +390,9 @@ pattern RecordT :: Type a -> Type a
pattern RecordT a <-
TypeApp _ (TypeConstructor _ C.Record) a

mkRecordT :: SourceType -> SourceType
mkRecordT = TypeApp nullSourceAnn (TypeConstructor nullSourceAnn C.Record)

getFunArgTy :: Type a -> Type a
getFunArgTy = \case
a :-> _ -> a
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/Language/PureScript/TypeChecker/Entailment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NEL

import Language.PureScript.AST (Binder(..), ErrorMessageHint(..), Expr(..), Literal(..), pattern NullSourceSpan, everywhereOnValuesTopDownM, nullSourceSpan, everythingOnValues)
import Language.PureScript.AST (Binder(..), ErrorMessageHint(..), Expr(..), Literal(..), pattern NullSourceSpan, everywhereOnValuesTopDownM, nullSourceSpan, everythingOnValues, nullSourceAnn)
import Language.PureScript.AST.Declarations (UnknownsHint(..))
import Language.PureScript.Crash (internalError)
import Language.PureScript.Environment (Environment(..), FunctionalDependency(..), TypeClassData(..), dictTypeName, kindRow, tyBoolean, tyInt, tyString)
import Language.PureScript.Environment (Environment(..), FunctionalDependency(..), TypeClassData(..), dictTypeName, kindRow, tyBoolean, tyInt, tyString, mkRecordT)
import Language.PureScript.Errors (MultipleErrors, SimpleErrorMessage(..), addHint, addHints, errorMessage, rethrow)
import Language.PureScript.Names (pattern ByNullSourcePos, Ident(..), ModuleName, ProperName(..), ProperNameType(..), Qualified(..), QualifiedBy(..), byMaybeModuleName, coerceProperName, disqualify, freshIdent, getQual)
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Entailment.Coercible (GivenSolverState(..), WantedSolverState(..), initialGivenSolverState, initialWantedSolverState, insoluble, solveGivens, solveWanteds)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,6 +232,9 @@ entails SolverOptions{..} constraint context hints =
valUndefined :: Expr
valUndefined = Var nullSourceSpan C.I_undefined

typedEmptyRecord :: Expr
typedEmptyRecord = TypedValue False (Literal nullSourceSpan $ ObjectLiteral []) (mkRecordT $ REmpty nullSourceAnn)

solve :: SourceConstraint -> WriterT (Any, [(Ident, InstanceContext, SourceConstraint)]) (StateT InstanceContext m) Expr
solve = go 0 hints
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,7 +469,7 @@ entails SolverOptions{..} constraint context hints =
-- Turn a DictionaryValue into a Expr
subclassDictionaryValue :: Expr -> Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName) -> Integer -> Expr
subclassDictionaryValue dict className index =
App (Accessor (mkString (superclassName className index)) dict) valUndefined
App (Accessor (mkString (superclassName className index)) dict) typedEmptyRecord -- valUndefined

solveCoercible :: Environment -> InstanceContext -> [SourceType] -> [SourceType] -> m (Maybe [TypeClassDict])
solveCoercible env ctx kinds [a, b] = do
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions tests/purus/passing/Misc/Lib.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,3 +227,21 @@ guardedCase = case polyInObj of
| eq @Int x 4 -> x
_ -> 0

id :: forall a. a -> a
id a = a
-- Works with signature, throws without
-- inner :: { getId :: forall a. a -> a}
inner = {getId: id}

class Eq a <= Ord a where
compare :: a -> a -> Int

instance Ord Int where
compare _ _ = 42

testEqViaOrd :: forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Boolean
testEqViaOrd a b = eq a b
Binary file modified tests/purus/passing/Misc/output/Lib/externs.cbor
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/purus/passing/Misc/output/Lib/index.cfn

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

65 changes: 53 additions & 12 deletions tests/purus/passing/Misc/output/Lib/index.cfn.pretty
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Imported Modules:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,8 +58,10 @@ Exports:

Expand All @@ -71,6 +74,11 @@ Eq2$Dict =
Eq$Dict :: forall a. { eq :: a -> a -> Boolean } -> { eq :: a -> a -> Boolean }
Eq$Dict = \(x: { eq :: a -> a -> Boolean }) -> (x: { eq :: a -> a -> Boolean })

Ord$Dict :: forall a. { compare :: a -> a -> Int, Eq0 :: Record {} -> Eq$Dict a } -> { compare :: a -> a -> Int, Eq0 :: Record {} -> Eq$Dict a }
Ord$Dict =
\(x: { compare :: a -> a -> Int, Eq0 :: Record {} -> Eq$Dict a }) ->
(x: { compare :: a -> a -> Int, Eq0 :: Record {} -> Eq$Dict a })

ConInt :: Int -> TestBinderSum
ConInt = ConInt

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +129,21 @@ eqInt =
Int -> Boolean

ordInt :: Ord$Dict Int
ordInt =
(Ord$Dict: {
compare :: Int -> Int -> Int,
Eq0 :: Record {}@Type -> Eq$Dict Int
} ->
Ord$Dict Int)
Eq0: \($__unused: Record {}@Type) ->
(eqInt: Eq$Dict Int),
compare: \(v: Int) ->
\(v1: Int) ->
(42: Int)
}: { compare :: Int -> Int -> Int, Eq0 :: Record {}@Type -> Eq$Dict Int })

eq2IntBoolean :: (Eq2$Dict Int Boolean)
eq2IntBoolean =
(Eq2$Dict: { eq2 :: Int -> Boolean -> Boolean } -> (Eq2$Dict Int Boolean))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,15 +302,25 @@ testEq =
(1: Int)
(2: Int)

testEqViaOrd :: forall (a :: Type). Ord$Dict a -> a -> a -> Boolean
testEqViaOrd =
\(dictOrd: Ord$Dict a) ->
\(a: a) ->
\(b: a) ->
(eq: forall (@a :: Type). Eq$Dict a -> a -> a -> Boolean)
(((dictOrd: Ord$Dict a).Eq0) ({ }: Record {}))
(a: a)
(b: a)

workingEven :: Int -> Int
workingEven =
\(n: Int) ->
case ((eq: forall (@a :: Type). Eq$Dict a -> a -> a -> Boolean) (eqInt: Eq$Dict Int) (n: Int) (0: Int)) of
true -> (1: Int)
_ -> (42: Int)

emptyList :: forall (t100 :: Type). Array t100
emptyList = ([]: forall (t100 :: Type). Array t100)
emptyList :: forall (t114 :: Type). Array t114
emptyList = ([]: forall (t114 :: Type). Array t114)

cons :: forall (a :: Type). a -> Array a -> Array a
cons = \(x: a) -> \(xs: Array a) -> ([(x: a)]: Array a)
Expand All @@ -296,13 +329,21 @@ consEmptyList1 :: Array Int
consEmptyList1 =
(cons: forall (a :: Type). a -> Array a -> Array a)
(1: Int)
(emptyList: forall (t100 :: Type). Array t100)
(emptyList: forall (t114 :: Type). Array t114)

consEmptyList2 :: Array String
consEmptyList2 =
(cons: forall (a :: Type). a -> Array a -> Array a)
("hello": String)
(emptyList: forall (t100 :: Type). Array t100)
(emptyList: forall (t114 :: Type). Array t114)

compare :: forall (@a :: Type). Ord$Dict a -> a -> a -> Int
compare =
\(dict: Ord$Dict a) ->
case (dict: Ord$Dict a) of
Ord$Dict v ->
(v: { compare :: a -> a -> Int, Eq0 :: Record {}@Type -> Eq$Dict a })

brokenEven :: Int -> Int
brokenEven =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,8 +380,8 @@ guardedCase =
\(w: Int) ->
\(x: Int) ->
v :: forall $19. $19 -> Int
v = \(v1: $19) -> (0: Int)
v :: forall $23. $23 -> Int
v = \(v1: $23) -> (0: Int)
in case (w: Int) (x: Int) of
y z ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,13 +419,13 @@ guardedCase =
in case (v4: Boolean) of
true -> (2: Int)
_ ->
(v: forall $19. $19 -> Int)
(v: forall $23. $23 -> Int)
(true: Boolean)
_ ->
(v: forall $19. $19 -> Int)
(v: forall $23. $23 -> Int)
(true: Boolean)
_ -> (v: forall $19. $19 -> Int) (true: Boolean)
_ -> (v: forall $19. $19 -> Int) (true: Boolean)
_ -> (v: forall $23. $23 -> Int) (true: Boolean)
_ -> (v: forall $23. $23 -> Int) (true: Boolean)

aList :: Array Int
aList = ([(1: Int), (2: Int), (3: Int), (4: Int), (5: Int)]: Array Int)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -419,7 +460,7 @@ aFunction6 =
go :: forall (z :: Type). z -> Int
go = \(v: z) -> (10: Int)
in (aFunction: forall (x :: Type). x -> forall (y :: Type). y -> Int -> Int)
([]: Array t127)
([]: Array t142)
(go: forall (z :: Type). z -> Int)

aBool :: Boolean
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/purus/passing/Misc/output/cache-db.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@

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