This repository provides supplementary pieces of information to the paper draft by Markus Kuehbach, Muhammad Imran, Franz Roters, and Markus Bambach on "Quantitative Implications of Dislocation Density Gradients for SIBM-Based Discontinuous Dynamic Recrystallization Nucleation Models"
-Working Cxx11 compatible C/C++ compiler toolchain (Ubuntu 16.04 and above)
-MessagePassingInterface, either openmpi or mpich
-cmake and make
Check for existence and functionality of all through Linux shell/console via:
cmake --version
make --version
gcc --version
g++ --version
mpicc --version
mpicxx --version
How to compile:
-Download tar and unpack, e.g. tar -xvf archivename.tar.gz
-Go into build directory
-Type cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
Execute via:
-Modify XML settings file in build folder
-mpiexec -n ./drxnuc
for example: mpiexec -n 1 ./drxnuc 1 DRXNUC.Input.xml