control and query Check Point product with GraphQL API
GraphQL is powering AppSec (Horizon Policy) API and it has GraphQL API Playground in the portal
more products are adopting GraphQL - e.g. Harmony Endpoint Threat Hunting
some CP products are using GraphQL and keep it internal (web UI for Harmony Endpoint)
cloud native offerings exist inluding AWS AppSync - serverless GraphQL APIs and more...
proof your GraphQL knowledge with hands-on
adopt relevant tools and workflows
apply GraphQL on Check Point products
is addressing some efficiency and flexibility challanges with REST
roots in Facebook (powering Facebook mobile app), opensourced in 2015 and now owned by GraphQL Foundation
GraphQL roots are uncovered in GraphQL documentary
GraphQL is query language for API with server-side runtime processing your queries
it is typed and based on schema written in SDL - Schema Definition Language
introspection ("self documenting") - is enabling tooling e.g. GraphQL Playground
performance aspect - addressing overfetching / underfetching
it gives caller flexibility to specify format and contents of API response
single API URL and HTTP method used (POST)
AppSync enables real-time applications and server initiated events with subscriptions
# open VScode terminal and run
cd /workspaces/graphql-workshop/01-simple-server
code NOTES.md