Please note this is alpha version.
Helps to validate and persist DataURL Image Data.
How image is persisted depends on selected implementation of PersisterInterface.
There are several persisters bundled:
saves data url into given file (no data validation)
saves data url into given file using GD lib. Checks if data is valid image data and is consistent with file ext.
Invokes a method on given object passing decoded data.
use Mkocztorz\DataUrlHandler\DataUrl\Handler;
use Mkocztorz\DataUrlHandler\Persister\FilePersister;
use Mkocztorz\DataUrlHandler\Persister\Options\FilePersisterOptions;
use Mkocztorz\DataUrlHandler\Tests\DataUrlSample;
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
$persister = new FilePersister();
$handler = new Handler($persister);
$options = new FilePersisterOptions("./php2.jpg");
$handler->handleImage(DataUrlSample::$validDataUrl, $options);