A Flutter Forward agenda app that covers multiple Firebase Remote Config features:
- Parameters;
- Conditions;
- Feature flags and staged rollouts;
- A/B testing.
Check the video tutorial on YouTube.
You can follow these instructions to build the app and install it onto your device.
If you are new to Flutter, please first follow the Flutter Setup guide.
The easiest way to get started is by cloning the repository and following the video tutorial on YouTube.
Create a new Firebase project and import the Firebase Remote Config configuration file remote_config.json
from the backup
Then, connect the Firebase project to the Flutter app by running the following command (replace <project_id>
with your Firebase project ID):
flutterfire configure -p <project_id> -o lib/features/firebase/firebase_options.dart
Finally, run the following commands to build and install the app:
flutter pub get
flutter pub run build_runner build
flutter run