You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
API dump
####Contest Permission Field####
0 = Friends Only Contest
-1 = Public Contest
-2 = Locked Contest
username = Private contest between two users
JSON Format:
{"username":“msmith”,“password”:“hello”,“requestid”:“createuser”,“reqparam1”:“[email protected]”}
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1005"} = Create user successful
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error {"RESULT": "1006"} = User Already Exists
{"RESULT": "1008"} = Email Already In Use
{"RESULT": "1004"} = Empty Required Parameter
####Authenticate User####
JSON Format:
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1009"} = Authentication successful
{"RESULT": "1010"} = Authentication failed
####Create Contest####
JSON Format:
{"username":“msmith”,“password”:“hello”,“requestid”:“createcontest”,“reqparam1”:“contest name”,“reqparam2”:"permission"}
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1004"} = Empty Required Parameter
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation), Currently all permission related errors {"CONTESTKEY":"int"} = Contest created successfully
####Get My Contests####
JSON Format:
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error
On Success: { “contests” : [{ “contestID” : “490”, “contestName” : “contest name”, “image1” : “NULL”, “image2” : “NULL”, “userOne” : “msmith”, “userOneID” : “27”, “userTwo” : "", “userTwoID” : “0” , “starttime” : “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” , “endtime” : “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” } ] }
####Get Contest####
JSON Format:
{"username":“msmith”,“password”:“hello”,“requestid”:“getcontest”,“reqparam1”:“int contestid”}
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1004"} = Empty Required Parameter
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error (invalid contestid)
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (contestid not int), Currently all permission related error
On Success:
{ “contest” : { “contestID” : “490”, “contestName” : “contest name”, “image1” : “NULL”, “image2” : “NULL”, “userOne” : “msmith”, “userOneID” : 27, “userOneScore” : “0”, “userTwo” : "", “userTwoID” : 0, “userTwoScore” : “0” , “starttime” : “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” , “endtime” : “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” } } }
####Update Image####
JSON Format:
{"username":“msmith”,“password”:“hello”,“requestid”:“updateimage”,“reqparam1”:“int contestid”,“reqparam2”:“base64image”,“reqparam3”:“slot (1 or 2, left or right),“reqparam4”:“base64thumbnail”}
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1004"} = Empty Required Parameter
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Contestid/slot not ints) (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "999"} = Internal Error (Unable to insert image into table for whatever reason)
{"RESULT": "1012"} = Update Image Failed
{"RESULT": "1011"} = Update Image Success
####Get Image####
JSON Format:
{"username":“msmith”,“password”:“hello”,“requestid”:“getimage”,“reqparam1”:“int contestid”,“reqparam2”:“int slot”}
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1004"} = Empty Required Parameter
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Contestid/slot not ints) (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "999"} = Internal Error (Unable to insert image into table for whatever reason)
{"image": "base64image"} = Returned fullsize image associated with contest/slot
####Add Friend#### Also Accepts Friend Request
JSON Format:
{"username":“msmith”,“password”:“hello”,“requestid”:“addfriend”,“reqparam1”:“friend’s username”}
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1004"} = Empty Required Parameter
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error
{"RESULT": "1000"} = Successfully created friend request
####Remove Friend#### Also Declines Friend Request
JSON Format:
{"username":“msmith”,“password”:“hello”,“requestid”:“removefriend”,“reqparam1”:“friend’s username”}
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1004"} = Empty Required Parameter
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error
{"RESULT": "1000"} = Successfully deleted friend
####Get My Friends####
JSON Format:
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error
{ “friends” : [{ “name” : “username” } ] }
####Get Friend Requests####
JSON Format:
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1004"} = Empty Required Parameter
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error
{ “friends” : [{ “name” : “username” } ] }
JSON Format: {"username":“msmith”,“password”:“hello”,“requestid”:“vote”,“reqparam1”:“contestid”,“reqparam2”:"slot"}
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1001"} = Voting Failed (Already voted or no permission)
####Get Top Contests####
JSON Format:
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error
On Success: { “contests” : [{ “contestID” : “490”, “contestName” : “contest name”, “image1” : “NULL”, “image2” : “NULL”, “userOne” : “msmith”, “userOneID” : “27”, “userTwo” : "", “userTwoID” : “0” , “starttime” : “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” , “endtime” : “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” } ] }
####Get Random Contests####
JSON Format:
Return Format:
{"RESULT": "1013"} = Bad Parameter (Failed SQL sanitation)
{"RESULT": "1002"} = Failed to connect to database
{"RESULT": "1003"} = SQL Error
On Success: { “contests” : [{ “contestID” : “490”, “contestName” : “contest name”, “image1” : “NULL”, “image2” : “NULL”, “userOne” : “msmith”, “userOneID” : “27”, “userTwo” : "", “userTwoID” : “0” , “starttime” : “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” , “endtime” : “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss” } ] }