Wrap windows system error codes in std::system_error
types and handle them like std::exception
This library is currently highly experimental. The API will most certainly undergo substantial changes, before full stabilization.
#include <handleapi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "win_error.h"
// Sequential write from buffer to file
DWORD write(HANDLE handle, const char* buffer) {
DWORD bytes = 0;
DWORD len = sizeof buf;
BOOL result = WriteFile(handle, buffer, len, &bytes, nullptr);
if (result) {
return bytes;
} else {
throw wse::win_error{};
int main() {
HANDLE handle;
const char[] buffer = "Test data to write.";
DWORD writtenBytes = 0;
try {
// Write will most likely fail
writtenBytes = write(handle, buffer);
// wse::win_error inherits from std::system_error and can therefore
// be caught also by std::runtime_error and std::exception.
catch (std::exception& error) {
// wse::win_error saves the error code internally upon creation and
// retrieves the appropriate error message from the OS.
std::cout << "OS returned following error message:\n"
<< error.what() << std::endl;