2 quick-and-dirty proof-of-concept (web) applications for the direct visualization of COVID-19 datasets provided by Sciensano (Belgium)
- poc1-jupyternotebook contains a Jupyter notebook which downloads the "Hospitalisations by date and provinces" data set by Sciensano (through pandas) and generates a set of interactive plotly bar charts, which are shown in a webpage. The charts involve hospitalisation stats for several regions and provinces.
- poc2-js involves a 100% client-side approach. It is a JavaScript web application consisting of two proof-of-concept pages:
- index.html uses Papa Parse to load the above mentioned data set, and Chart.js in order to visualise the very same type of interactive bar charts (dynamic load)
- contam.html uses d3js.org to load the "Cumulative number of confirmed cases by municipality" data set by Sciensano and to show these numbers on a choropleth map of Belgium