set to Java 8, as requested.- Gradle 5+ (included.)
The application can be started with either gradle or docker.
When started, a REST API will be exposed on http://localhost:8080
From the root directory, run:
soniq-app$ ./gradlew bootRun
From the root directory, run:
soniq-app$ docker build --tag app .
soniq-app$ docker run --interactive --tty --rm --publish 8080:8080 app
I decided to take the opportunity to play with project lombok,
so there's a lot more annotations and less boiler plate. Builders, factory methods,
getters and setters are all generated for free, and there's support for var
and val
I've been developing using IntelliJ, so had to use a plugin to get AST support.
Just needed a zip
function for streams, so pulled in this library for tests.
There are a single resources exposed via REST:
, see InputDto
The structure of the project is relatively straight forward:
A controller sits at the front, exposing data via a REST path.
Incoming data is accepted as a DTO
The controller will call a service, which will process the data and return a suggested list of assignments.
Tests can be run using gradle. From the root directory, run:
pinguin-app$ ./gradlew test
Tests are explicitly run as part of a build.
Tests related to assignment logic can be found in AssignmentCalculatorTest and are probably the most interesting.
I spotted a small mistake in the sample data.
Output format is:
{senior: 3, junior: 1},
{senior: 1, junior: 2},
{senior: 2, junior: 0},
{senior: 1, junior: 3}
Which should be:
{"senior": 3, "junior": 1},
{"senior": 1, "junior": 2},
{"senior": 2, "junior": 0},
{"senior": 1, "junior": 3}