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dbpp.kroki - dbpp.kroki.KrokiEncoder - dbpp.utils - dbpp.utils.SqlUtils -
apps: dbpp.peditor
KrokiEncoder class and kroki command line application.
For the KrokiEncoder class look at the class documentation dbpp.kroki.KrokiEncoder. Here nun first follows the application help for the command line application.
You can run the application in two ways either you translate a kroki URL into diagram code or you encode a diagram into an URL.
Here is how to decode an image URL into diagram text:
$ python3 -m dbpp.kroki https://kroki.io/plantuml/svg/eNpLzkksLlZwVKhWqAUAF10DsA==
class A { }
And here it is shown how to encode an existing diagram file to an URL:
$ cat test2.dot
digraph g {
{ rank=same; A; B; C; }
A -> B -> C;
$ python3 dbpp.kroki test2.dot
Here is the image:
If you like to change the image format to svg, just replace the png term with svg in the URL.
- krokiencoder
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