1.0.0 (2024-10-21)
Bug Fixes
add @types/uuid to dev deps (957e005 )
add better error logging and cache handling for tests (1d1492e )
add eslint configuration file (3f9f4cf )
add explicit optional revoked and x_mitre_deprecated fields to marking definition to ensure consistency across all supported bundle objects (3f44bb9 )
add missing field-specific tests to technique.test (a04c09a )
add missing import of name schema in marking definition schema modules (ef44afe )
add missing import to relationship.test (dcde78f )
add missing properties to relationship.schema (fadac10 )
add missing x_mitre_modified_by_ref to group schema and apply linting (ce52c1d )
add strict modifier to malware schema (ac75233 )
add support for multiple citations to campaigns (3f8d473 )
add TODO reminder to fix type annotation for x_mitre_attack_spec_version (7177a8a )
align root level describe block names with expected convention (09fe563 )
apply formatting to campaign.test (2778e14 )
apply formatting to tool.schema (14730ed )
change beforeAll to beforeEach for minimal object initialization in test modules (e6be3cc )
ci: add HUSKY=0 in publish job to disable husky (e1f83bf )
ci: add include-hidden-files option to "Upload test logs" step (6645e65 )
ci: add missing steps to publish job (de4abf0 )
ci: add NODE_AUTH_TOKEN to publish job (f7dfc8c )
ci: add NPM_TOKEN to semantic-release (7c4323b )
ci: add packages:write scope to ci workflow (15f992c )
ci: allow semantic-release to skip husky git hooks (ba03454 )
ci: change flag that handles omitting dev dependencies from the install (026e247 )
ci: install only prod deps during publish job to stop Husky x semantic-release conflict (8cc2802 )
circular dependency (063d7a3 )
circular import (c528613 )
ci: remove NPM_TOKEN from publish job (cb6a9a7 )
ci: remove redundant build step (a9d1401 )
ci: rename build job to test (fbc6e96 )
ci: replace cycjimmy/semantic-release-action@v4 plugin with manual commands (2687c24 )
ci: restore GITHUB_TOKEN on release step (f8144a1 )
ci: try using GH_TOKEN instead of GITHUB_TOKEN (ffe4c60 )
ci: update actions/upload-artifact to v4 (3708b7b )
complete review of malware.test (664ef31 )
complete review of marking definitions (d7cb60a )
completed review of mitigation schema (e5daf66 )
consolidate kill chain phases in common-properties module (aaf9a02 )
finish review of identity schema (c420a03 )
Fix 'type' property and add 'id' property to Group schema (aadbc74 )
fix typo in exception message thrown in tactic.schema when ATT&CK ID format is incorrect (5d15cb4 )
fix typos in common-properties module (e8e54ba )
format keywords in package.json (420c54d )
husky: remove install script (e72f620 )
husky: try simplifying npm prepare script (e765a7c )
husky: use script-based workflow for installing husky to support ci integration (669a732 )
improve specificity of external references empty array custom error message (1bd1921 )
make confidence property optional in core stix sdo schema (f80e059 )
Make PlatformsSchema and MitreContributorsSchema non optional (c64fd00 )
Make x_mitre_aliases optional for both tool and malware schemas (197b68e )
make x_mitre_version schema more lax; now supports any values between 00.00 and 99.99 (e126246 )
modify expected exception response to match what is thrown in campaign.test (3b6ccda )
modify refinements in technique schema (f22057d )
modify relationship.test to reflect recent changes to relationship.schema (4431bf5 )
overhaul attack-data testing utility with better type casting and comments (8b0de37 )
package-lock: synchronize version property (fdfabd1 )
package.json: correct formatting of repository.url (ea64949 )
package.json: update repository proeprty (e53c7bf )
pin x_mitre_modified_by_ref to xMitreModifiedByRefSchema instead of stixIdentifierSchema (7ee21ad )
refactor asset.test (0ffeb76 )
refactor campaign.test (baf8b62 )
refactor collection.test (b2dd71e )
refactor field-specific tests block in matrix.test (c4c00c8 )
refactor group.test (3db05dc )
refactor identity.test (17b7769 )
refactor malware.test (d241e91 )
refactor matrix.test (bf7898a )
refactor mitigation.test (48f6fb6 )
refactor tactic.test (ee396f9 )
refactor technique.test (7a9bf47 )
refactor tool.test (1b3e1ed )
remove 'should validate all objects in the global.attackData' test from all test modules except stix-bundles.test (64e76b6 ), closes /
remove dedicated StixModifiedTimestampSchema and StixCreatedTimestampSchema (6919fea )
remove deprecated lines from husky files (f1b344d )
remove junk unit tests from common-properties module (77337f8 )
remove stix types that are not used in attack (3f25eef )
remove un-used import from sdo.matrix.test (6265e6b )
remove unused describe block from campaign.test (48b05e0 )
remove unused stix types from custom error map (15274d8 )
removed unused assets global const from asset.test (f6df366 )
removed unused imports from technique.test (8015a27 )
rename marking definition schema (38b8f77 )
rename npm-publish.yml workflow job to 'publish' (e94819b )
rename test/objects/common.test to test/utils/common (4fe14e9 )
renamed SectorsListOpenVocabulary to IndustrySectorOpenVocabulary (f39f081 )
reorganize file names and directory structure of examples (d70c8e9 )
resolve all linting errors (8552a33 )
resolve compilation error due to incorrect trailing comma in misc.ts (996c07f )
resolve error in imports (ecf837e )
resolve export naming conflict (7f1365f )
resolve typing error in parseStixBundle function (4a9088d )
restrict publish job to only run on releases (b34915c )
reviewed marking definition schema as a group (1b1e545 )
reviewing malware tests (103d8d5 )
semantic-release: test removing semantic-release/npm plugin (d524620 )
semantic-release: test restoring semantic-release/npm plugin (ed921b8 )
small fix for is_family field specific test in malware.test module (deb0b2b )
specify workflow permissions on publish job (1e245e8 )
tests: comment out console.log statement in utils/attack-data (8a07789 )
typo in apache license reference (e139933 )
typo in zod error message when first external ref does not match the expected attack id format (977ed71 )
update core attack SDO schema. (05803bf )
Update created_by_ref description in core-stix-sdo schema (66351eb )
update example usage in (bfb9308 )
update external references in software and technique to use predefined schema from common-properties module (8a3788f )
update field specific tests in tool.test (d427d0e )
update group schema (27b78d7 )
update marking definition schema (12d99b5 )
update marking definition schema module (1f40b78 )
update relationship.test (8b60500 )
update stix-bundle schema and update jest test that processes global.attackObjects.bundles (964c478 )
update template.test (dca6194 )
update workflow template to deploy to github packages (0ac9ef0 )
update xMitreDomainsSchema (31b10f0 )
use createStixIdentifierSchema function to initialize type property in Group schema (082c520 )
verify that the first alias that appears in aliases matches the object's name field for campaigns (aliases), groups (aliases), and software (x_mitre_aliases) (f813db6 )
add AttackDomain type to common-properties (cd7532e )
add caching support to the attack-data module (629695a )
add dedicated schema for object marking refs that validates that all marking refs start with 'marking-definition--' (f053e48 )
add eslint, prettier, and husky, and apply formatting to all source code (20e1f54 )
add expected response as in-line comments to attack-identity.example.ts (7559288 )
add github action to publish to package registry (a4bca52 )
add new AttackObject type to stix-bundle and decouple objects definition from stix-bundle parent schema (64ea4fd )
add new common schemas, update some existing common schemas, and update technique schema (still under review) (d1be1e7 )
add npm configuration to avoid repeating the npm login process (5592a88 )
add schema for list of external references (639292d )
add stix bundles to global.attackData in attack-data testing utility (5dbf49f )
add stix-bundle.test (wip) (f84579c )
add useful functions to EDA notebook (5d7ac08 )
add x_mitre_defense_bypassed schema to common properties (1f38e6f )
asset: finish review of mitre asset schema (96e2dde )
begin building out polished jest testing suite (982c60c )
campaigns: add example demonstrating catching unknown keys (a07e52a )
ci: trigger build (0d359c8 )
complete review of campaign schema (e0c5cbb )
complete review of collection schema (bb05f4b )
complete review of matrix schema (544a7c8 )
complete review of relationship schema (27a8fdd )
completed review of data component schema (0ad59fd )
completed review of data sources (d96059a )
consolidate aliases schema definition in common properties module (53eb828 )
Consolidate describe string for stixCreatedByRefSchema (3e980b8 )
convert single data source schema from string to custom string literal to improve type hinting (4b3de9f )
finish review of tactic schema (ac5e69d )
implement new github action workflow to handle linting and formatting on protected branches (da1391a )
implementing typescript api (6eaf923 )
implementing typescript api (3edbb35 )
make data registration for 'attack' more robust (fc92015 )
migrate x_mitre_deprecated to attackBaseObject schema (204e33f )
minor tweaks to stix-bundle.test (c2883d5 )
organize common properties and add more stringent requirements on platforms (x_mitre_platforms) (b40437f )
preparing project for publishing (dfc2cce )
publish npm package with provenance (f29a65f )
refactor x_mitre_version, x_mitre_attack_spec_version, x_mitre_old_attack_id, and StixTimestamp to use stricter types for improved type hinting (3e3403f )
remove default value from spec version schema and add describe method (7cbfac4 )
rename DataRegistration to DataSource (4e0b658 )
reorganize schemas (848a639 )
separate x_mitre_version, x_mitre_attack_spec_version, and x_mitre_old_attack_id from attack base object (9bba69a )
stix: refactor STIX identifier schema for improved type safety (b740651 )
stix: Update external_references in stix domain object schema (sdo.ts) (c0951ea )
test: write test logs to timestamped files in special dir (8fe80d8 )
update jest techniques test suite (8a0a11c )
update jest testing template (f2143e2 )
update main.test to check that stix bundles are loaded (87040d6 )
update object testing template (70cf455 )
update relationship.test (c43234f )
update technique schema jest tests (40cf6f2 )
update technique testing module (bb92642 )
update x_mitre_permissions and x_mitre_contributors schemas (0456802 )
stix: The StixIdentifier type is now more strictly typed.
Projects using this type may need to update their type annotations.
You can’t perform that action at this time.